It is with great trepidation that I read the news in the Goan media that "Mauvin Godinho opposes rail link at Arossim, says link should be removed from draft RP". How dumb can this MLA get when he has shot off a letter to the CM to remove the link from the draft RP? Is Mr. Digamber Kamat a voter of Cansaulim for him to be empowered to remove the rail link from the draft RP for Cansaulim, Arossim & Cuelim?
Mr. MLA, you were busy romancing the Sancoale Sarpanch when the draft RP was being finalised for Cansaulim, Arossim & Cuelim and for your information, the brave villagers of Cansaulim Arrossim Cuelim have already removed the rail link in their submission of the draft Regional Plan for their villages to the TCP Department as per procedure. Not only is the link deleted from the draft, the villagers in their Gram Sabha of 11.04.2009 have also rejected with sound reasons the third line which MPT is trying to push through the village (the same can be verified from the RP plan posted on the TCP website) and so it came as a bolt from the blue when you invited the Railways to introduce the third line underground and continue with their nefarious plans of exploiting the village of Cansaulim Arrossim and Cuelim.
We don't know in what way you stand to benefit from the third line which is meant to facilitate MPT in transportation of their ore but Cansaulikars have said "NO" to the third line as the rail link was primarily established through the villages to transport human passengers and the current link serves the purpose. Mr. Godinho, you stand self exposed as the Saviour of the dark forces who are out to destroy pristine, heritage villages like Cansaulim, Arossim & Cuelim be it in the form of your overt or covert support to Mega-projects, demand for one lakh square metres of precious Goan land to treat garbage from 6 villages in your Constituency and now the third line!
How low can you sink to further your nefarious agendas Mr. MLA? Your game plans are obvious to all.


Milton D'Souza said...

The shocking state of affairs with Ministers hell bent on destroying Goa is frightening to say the least.

Where does their greed end? Do they realise at the end of the day they will only occupy less than 6 feet of Goa's precious land but will have to give a full account to God for all the wrong that they have done?

Mauvin Godinho you truly have sold your soul to the Devil.

As you sow so shall you reap - not just you but your children and all your generations to come.

Shame on you!

Joe Rodrigues said...

Yes after destroying Goa its villages, rivers, seas, fields, air, hills, forests, mangroves now our clever politicians want to build railway networks underground to transport mineral ore for MPT and underground cities and the rest?

Shaana bugger Politician Mauvin Chor Godinho! Don't think you can get away with all your sly schemes. We Goans are watching you and the corrupt bunch of politicians that we have in the Goa Government.

Tushar Vernekar said...

This corrupt Chor Minister of the Power Scam Fame is hell bent on destroying all the villages in his Constituency to the detriment of Goa and Goans!

N.Fernandes said...

Hi Milton:::I totally agree with you, and well said.
I have read about the Dias Gates project coming up in Cansaulim.The majority of local people are against this project as it has not been planned well and not taken into consideration many aspects,like traffic,infracstructure,garbage etc. of such a large construction.
What has been planned really well is how much money (commission) these guys like Mauvin will make.There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that Mauvin will have been paid huge amounts of (black & blood )money in commissions to approve such projects.
Each time I arrive in Goa and have to travel through Zurai Nagar (Birlas) , Cansulim & Utorda on my way to Majorda I see nothing but filth & garbage all around.Zurai Nagar stinks of human excrement & Urine even while using the Highway.Residents of Zuari Nagar whom I believe are all migrants openly defecate & urinate on open land.
Travelling through Cansaulim, the Market is need of refurbishment and again is in a filthy & despicable condition.There is garbage strewn all around and there is also traffic congestion,with badly parked scooters,cycles & cars.The Cansaulim Railway crossing is also a constant traffic bottleneck.
Passing through Utorda,near a junction, Rex Bar and Restaurant is possibly the filthiest and most shocking site one will see in Goa.It is truly digusting.Boxes , bottles & litter are strewn in the front,the side & back of the shop with total disregard for safety or any civic cleanliness specially as it sells cooked food and groceries in unhygenic surroundings.Advertising boards are haphazardly located.What surprises me is that the TOURIST BOARD OR LOCAL PANCHAYAT, have not taken issue with this establishment,specialyl in view that it is located in an area that has several starred hotels such as Park Hyatt,Royal Orchid,Majorda Beach Resort,Alila Diva.
Majorda Railway station Market too is full of litter.Nuvem Church junction too is a bottleneck of traffic and for sure an accident hotspot.There is a church school and there are no fences preventing school kids playing on the
It is these little public concerns that should be addressed first,rather moving on to larger projects that will double and triple the filth and ensuing problems.
Mauvin is not an elected member of Utorda,Nuvem or Majorda.But I am sure he can raise these issues & concerns with his Colleagues.However I think he spends more time with his Bank Manager on finding ways to launder the money he gets from bribes.His MLA neighbours Mickky Pacheco and Alexio Sequeira will help with the laundering.

N.Fernandes said...

It would be nice if someone living in or passing by Zuari Nagar (Birlas),Cansaulim,Utorda,Majorda and Nuvem could upload some photos of the places I have described, for Goans from other parts of Goa ,India and abroad to see, the reality.There is a saying "pictures can speak a thousand words & and pictures "do not tell lies".

Menino said...

Well said N. Fernandes.

All those Queeny Nagar constructions that you see after Zuari Nagar is Mauvin Godinho's cousin Aggie Alcacoas (Queeny Realty Estates) ex-Sarpanch of Velcao's handiwork. With Mauvin Godinho's blessings he has constructed on the slopes leading to Velcaso. The massive project that you see at the junction is Mauvin godinho's Hotel Project right on the road!

Likewise Queeny Realty Estates have used their politician cousin's backing to come up with the Gonsalves-Dias Gates project in Cansaulim and Queeny Meadows in Arossim.

This same Aggie Alcacoas along with his cousin's support collected funds from our Kuwaitcars for the Konkani Agitation's martyrs families but pocketed it all!

Such are these blood suckers whose greed knows no ends.




Rajesh Phaldessai said...

The politicians like Mauvin Godinho only want their Mega housing projects go through so they and the others with their mouths open like gluttonous rats can get their payments and haftas. What do they care about the infrastructure whether it's sanitation, sewage, maintaining our traditioanl access paths, etc. Instead they warn the villagers of Cansaulim not to stand in the way of the "development" that Aggie Alcacoas and Abbobakr Shaikh are planning!
Standing in the receiving line with their begging bowls along with this corrupt politican then are all those filthy beggars who will sell their wives, mothers and daughters and themselves like that rotten Sarpanch of Cansaulim Jose Manuel Fernandes and Panchayat members like that Martha Saldanha and Ferwin Saldanha!

All of them are responsible for destroying villages like Cansaulim, Arossim and Cuelim.

This is the same for Sancoale, Chicalim, Velcao and other villages.
They should be banished and driven out of Goa!

dlp said...

A real Dracula!!! Saviour of the "Dark Forces." Keep it up and suck the blood of all Goans until a dagger is pushed deep into that rotten heart of yours and you will be down under six feet deep like Milton has said.

dlp said...

Menino (Niz Goenkar)!! There are lot of Meninos who are Niz Goenkars and I sincerely appreciate their comments as long as they are for us for our cause. I also can be a Menino tomorrow, but I don't want to be. I will alwaye be DLP, as you know!

Menino de Valpoi said...

Dear dlp, I know there are lot of Meninos and who are also Niz Goenkars like us. Who love Goa as we do. I put up the message because I received 3 messages two criticizing me for something and were based on the comments by our Menino above. So just to clarify who is who I put up the comment. Hope you understand my clarification other than that there is nothing.

dlp said...

Menino, there will always be instigators! Can we leave them alone to mind their own business??

Anonymous said...

Mauvin Ghanti-yo! Ghanti-yo! Ghanti-yo!

dlp said...

Anonymous, Anynomous
Goenkarancho ghott dhoria ekvott
Faltu munis anga evot tor
Amchi korun galtele duspott

diogofichardo said...

What type of savoir is he? Can he save Ghantis Shiting all over Goa? These are the same people that encouraged the Konkan Railway right across Goa that has brought all types of crime in Goa. These are the same people that have encouraged mega projects around Cansaulim and other areas of Goa. Unity among Goans is a Must.

Jayant Nadkarni said...

This corrupt Minister Mauvin Godinho's greed has always grown bigger and bigger right from his Mangor Vasco days. He recently was asking the Assembly to legalise the zopadpattis and the slum constructions that his "vote-banks" have constructed on the Communidade and private lands. What more do you want?

Yes he romances the Sharda Rathods in Sancoale who has become Sarpanch of our village with his support and works against the Niz Goenkars. the same goes for other villages where he backs goondas like Aboobakr Shaikhs in Cansaulim.

With Mauvin's backing all illegal constructions in our village and the adjoining villages mushroom like poisonous weeds destroying God's beautiful garden.

Gavin Rodrigues said...

menino de Valpoi our Niz Goenkar - you are doing a true great service for amchem Goem and all Goenkars so do not let those who sent you criticizing messages - they probably are Mauvin Godinho's chamchas who are all out to see the destruction of our Goa.


Thank you Gavin, but we need all the true Goans one and all Hindus, Muslims & Christians to unite and come together. I alone cannot do anything though I try to do it to the utmost of my capacity. We need people like you Gavin and the others to get the people to unite under one banner of NIZ GOENKARS and form an united front against all the corrupts and looters of Goa. Unity is a must. Let us get together and do the great job of re-converting back to a glorious Goa. Long live Goa and Long live the true Goans!

dlp said...

Menino... I am amazed at the support we have. There are plenty of Niz Goenkars just waiting to support your cause, so keep it up. Let the monkeys keep on jumping up the trees which we are already cutting down.

Gavin Rodrigues said...

The Niz Goenkar site does a great job to highlight crucial issues pertinent to Goa. As such we need to work together as a unified force to fearlessly expose all the corrupt politicians, Panchayat members and others hand in glove to destroy Goa and Goans because of their greed. Our media in Goa are afraid to speak out and there are many stooges of these politicians who give their positive spins to these deeds of our corrupt politicians.

Menino all true Goans will support your stand to defend Goa. Do not hesitate to expose any pressure tactics that the corrupt forces use to intimidate you.

When you light a candle it spreads light and dispels the darkness that these dark forces
are hell bent on ensuring so that they can continue in their wrong ways. No Mauvin Godinho, no Alemao, no Mickey Pacheco can stand before God and say that they have followed his Commandments!

Together with other honest Goans from all creeds and walks of life we will clean up the mess!

vishwas said...

The people who used to move on rented cycles before contesting elections - when start moving in luxury cars within a short time of grabbing ministerial births- makes one wonder as to where from did all this money and luxury come from?

Custodio Pereira said...

You hit the nail on the head Vishwas! Mauvin Godinho's father was a honest man and I recall him going all over Vasco on his cycle and even selling LIC policies to us and making a clean and honest living.

From where did his rotten children develop so much of greed and evil?

Mauvin Godinho's mother hails from Cansaulim. At least she should tell her son not to destroy the village of his ancestors.

Madan Kavlekar said...

To hold on to their power these politicians destroy our Goan villages. they have all sorts of grand schemes and arrangements with MPT, Navy, Railways, Roadways as it's nothing but ways to get rich through corruption and cheating.

Tony Mendonca said...

Just saw the promotion of Play "Jivit" and guess who are the Chief Guests - Digamabar Kamat, Alemao, Mauvin Godinho at Ravindra Bhavan Margao on October 10th . Aggie Alcacoas also has a Queeny Productions in addition to Queeny Realty Estates and many other Business Establishments.

What a high flying production - obviously Aggie Alcacoas is Mauvin Godinho's cousin!

Tony D'Souza said...

Your comments are true Tony.

Aggie Alcacoas was the ex-Sarapanch of Velcao. He puts his fingers into everything whether it's Football clubs, tryings to collect funds for the Konkani Agitation, has got publishing businesses, now has got into the Tiatr Business and his cousin Mauvin Chor Godinho gives him all the Government backing and business so that he can in turn enjoy the share of the loot! Even the GFA sacked him.

Both of them are responsible for destroying our Goan villages in Salcette.

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