In 2010, Goa Chief Minister Digambar Kamat demanded to put a ban on social networking sites Facebook and Orkut. Today, it is nice to see the same CM using the technology of video conferencing to listen to the grievances of the aam admi.
It is understood that he will be attending to the grievances of the people of South Goa every Tuesday, from the South Goa District Office which will be connected to all municipalities and panchayats in South Goa through the internet, and every Friday for the people of North Goa from the North Goa District Office.
However this week his online interaction has been cancelled, as he is in Delhi and will not able to reach on time.
Why can't Digambar Kamat use the facility of video conferencing to interact with his advisors in Delhi? Our politico Babu's should stop wasting Goan taxpayer’s hard earned money, to make unnecessary trips to Delhi.
Aaare baba, to go to Delhi he needs to take an Airplane which is fast and easy, to travel within Goa is very Difficult as there is no Airline Service between North Goa and South Goa yet, probably the next Government will have one in place when they come into force.....
May the Goan electorate be wise enough to see this unwanted frequent trips to Delhi. What a way to milk the common men.For sure these trips are to give the " Kick Backs" to those people sitting at the center for ensuring his seat and also ensuring all criminal cases which are being highlighted practically everyday in the State are kept hushed up.
Digu Kamat enjoys HYPE & gimmicks.
Actually this useless Cheap Minister must be having some business there. May be another AC toilet there so he has to go to clean it time to time. Kindly don't mess with his schedule or there will be a stink in the capiltal.
This Ninkompoof, I hope I have got it right is interested in Video conferencing as he is scared to come out in public. This way no one will be able to smear him with mud, dung cakes and chappal his behind for his incompetence. He is trying this stunt now to beg for votes cause he knows come elections and the loser will be kicked out for good. Baizuan Kamat as he is fondly known is saving his kashti.
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