PANJIM: Coming out with a demand that the Chief Minister, Mr Digambar Kamat should strip the Education Minister, Mr Atanasio Monserrate of his portfolio for failure to properly handle the issue as regards grants to primary schools with English as their medium of instruction, the Bharatiya Janata Party on Sunday said that its delegation would soon meet the Chief Minister so as to oppose grants or any financial assistance to English primary schools.
The state BJP president, Mr Laxmikant Parsekar told a press conference in the city along with the North Goa MP, Mr Shripad Naik and the spokesperson of the state party unit, Mr Rajendra Arlekar that the BJP would oppose any such proposal in the assembly, as well as outside it.
“If required, we will take on to the streets to oppose grants for the English primary schools,” he added, pointing out that the BJP would not only participate in the related April 6 rally organised by the Bharatiya Bhasha Suraksha Manch, but also convince the people to attend the same.
Pointing out that the Educational Advisory Board consisting of educationists has already recommended primary education in mother tongue, and the issue has been settled 20 years ago, Mr Parsekar stated that some MLAs and ministers in the stat cabinet, with an intention to set disorder in the state education system are supporting the Forum for Rights of Children’s Education for demanding grants to the English primary schools.
“Unfortunately, the Education Minister, who himself has no educational background to handle his portfolio properly, has declared that he would announce his related decision before the end of the ongoing budget session of assembly, without taking the stakeholders into confidence,” the state BJP president lamented, noting that the Education Minister is clearly taking a prejudiced stand on the issue.
Demanding that the Chief Minister should immediately prevent any attempts to make this issue a political one so as to utilise it for political gains during the forthcoming assembly elections in Goa, Mr Parsekar said the future of the grassroots communities, new generations, culture of the land and Goan identity is at stake.
“An attempt to provide government grants to English primary schools was once made earlier, albeit unsuccessfully,” Mr Parsekar recalled, predicting that if the recent attempt becomes successful then the Marathi and Konkani schools would eventually close down due to lack of response from parents. “The BJP acknowledges importance of English language in present times and therefore, supports grants to English schools from middle level onwards,” he said, maintaining that 84 per cent of the global population undergoes primary education in its respective mother tongue, while only 16 per cent population has it in English.
The state BJP chief also expressed satisfaction over the fact that the Maharashtrawadi Gomantak Party, a partner in the coalition government in the state, has come out with its stand to oppose grants for the English primary schools. “The decision of the MGP has strengthened the stand of the BJP in this respect,” he concluded.
Replying to a question, Mr Parsekar said that not all Catholic population in Goa supports the demand as regards provision of grants to English primary schools. “Many of them respect their mother tongue, and are for education in the same at the primary stage,” he added.
So now we know what the BJP agenda is. Create communal disturbances and bring in Marathi. This outfit is against us Goans and we should not support Pariahkar and his dogs in the next elections.
Question for Mr Parrikar : Did you educate your son in English or Konkani or Marathi. Is he speaking English, Konkani or Marathi in the USA where he is now studying / working and has moved to for a better life ???
With this policy Mr Parrikar is bound to be leader of Opposition life time. This may lead to all India record, Congratulations Parrikar in advance. At least we know we will not have a communal leader. You have not learnt lessons from your past mistakes.
The next step we all Goans should take is to stop grants to all other Indian languages including Marathi. Marathi is not the mother tongue of Goans. It is only a religious tongue. Sice these grants come from the state and not from the central govt. why should we pay for the promotion of regional languages ?
What the hell this bas..rd BJP leader Laximkant Parsekar talking about Goan culture and Goan identity. If he at all think so then why the hell they are hell bent on Marathi which is not state language. After all CM is also pure BJP at heart though joined Congress to make fortune because while in BJP one cannot do much looting, while Congress is opportunist party.
I am definate, this Moti-Dongor Ghanti CM will apoint his own croonies as education expert panel and will drag the matter to political plateform like the same manner which anothe rmaratha Rane did during language agitation and happened at the end marathi got equal status along with konkani. We Goans should be aware that motto of former traitor Dayanand Bandodkar is still alive with this current set of MGP and BJP traitors to merge Goa with Maharashtra. We should never allow this traitors of Goa to succeed in their dirty mission.
BJP is not different form the present set of Congress fellows, they are all ex-BJP's products and members.
BJP has always been an anti-Goan party, but with Goans fighting with each other rather than being united, Goa is slipping more towards the right wing DEN.
We say and recite Ladins in Latin, (Ora pro nobis) why not the Mass, Latin should be and made compulsory for all Goans, be it Hindus or Muslims, just like we catholic's have to study Marathi and this baiya Hindi.
I've not come across, not a single family in Goa that has Marathi as their Mother tongue. Those who speak Marathi are originally from Maharashtra brought in by traitor Bandorkar to intimidate and kill the Goan Culture.
To have English as MOI and to encourage Konkani in Latin script or in Kannad / Devnagiri / Arabic / Guajarati script I don't think we need Independence from Invader Indians and their brainless parties, what we need is 22 or more seats at the assembly, with a majority we can have English or even German has our State language.
Babush to win a seat at the assembly spend per vote around estimated between 10 - 20,000 INr's, (He fools the poor to ruin the poor) how did MGP get the 2 seats, did they promise that Marathi will be made compulsory to all Goans or killing the sate and making it a Taluka of Maharashtra was in their agenda. (they might have done something to win these seats.)
Let all those 40 Alibaba's in power move their kids from English medium to Konkani medium before anyone decides to make the call. Lets wait to see the outcome?
Mr Shit Eater Parrikar,put your brain before your ugly nose. You have so many things to address with the toad of margao like national highways, mega houses , illegal mining, poltician police and drug nexus, water scam, 15 percent commission. Why your waging your dirty tail after English. English is an international language and do not have any effect from people like you and your supporters. Go to sleep.
Both Congress & the BJP along with the MGP are hands in Gloves to ruin goa & to carry out the legacy of the Invaders . Pariyankar always claims to be a IIT may be from Ulhas nagar University.
If this idiot is an IIT why he wants to be a politician ? why he wants his children to sturdy in US ?
Well if it was not for Dr. Jack Sequeira and his Opinion Poll, we'd all be Maharastrains by now, every Goan has to rise now… save what we can, while we can….. open your Eyes…. Or one day we will Greet each other “Diwas kasa hota?/Diwas kasa gela?” we’ll have to say bye to everything that makes us Goans….. : (
Pls Ignor my comments, if they appear more then once... have an 8 MB Line, but don't know what happens to Microsoft sometimes....
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