After the Mines Minister was exposed by Cavrem gaonkars, people said Digamber’s destruction of Goa is many times more than what Babush did as TCP Minister. His media advisors are trying hard to salvage his image. Minin Piris, who a distrubutes govt advertisement to media acts like Sensor Board to filter Digamber’s excesses from being published in the media.
Opposition exposed the destruction of Goan forests. Forest Minister had no clues what he did. Also forest dept replied to questions as if they worked in mines dept: “Large deforestation was allowed to increase GDP and earn foreign exchage.” Clearly the Forest dept was getting instructions from someone responsible for promoting mines. The Speaker Pratapsing Rane at this stage summed the destruction of forest for mining as the “Rape of Goa”.
Mines dept is a sparsely employed and empowered dept with the 13-year-glued Minister calling out: parade stand up….parade sit down. Forest cutting is only one of the many excesses promoted by the Mines Minister.
The Rape of Goa referred to as by the speaker only relates to forest component of Mining excesses of the Mines Minister. He has presided over many such Rapes.
The most serious one is the destruction of Goa’s water resources. The minerals washing into reservoirs like Selaulim make it high in heavy metal content. Having not objected to Digamber’s excesses, this generation deserves to be penalized if the heavy metals take toll of their health. But the effects of heavy metals are also passed on genetically. What is the fault of the posterity? Did they have a say on Digamber’s exploits?
Apart from this, the destruction of aquifers (which allow rain water to percolate into the ground), destruction of top soil (rich in humous, which takes 100s of years to develop), obstructions to the natural flow by mountains of rejects, destruction of springs and streams, the resultant lower yield of agriculture and horticulture are the other losses inflicted on to Goa by the lust of this politician and his miner friends.
Most publicized excesses in Goa were carried out by piranhas (39 MLAs and their agents in business), who took many small bites of Goa by way of illegal constructions, land deals, hill cutting, drugs, casinos, rave parties, human rape, SEZ, hot mix scams, IIFFI etc. But the excesses of the only shark in politics were suppressed by the media during the past six years. This shark (with the help of Sharks and Whales in mining business) has swallowed the entire Eastern Goa destroying its Land, Forest, water, people, peace and social fabric.
This clutch of Sharks must have minted monies enough for many generations. They could run away once Goa starts crumbling. But by that time the Goan masses would be beggars. They will have no option but to kneel before the Mafia waiting for alms to be thrown at them.
All 40 Chors destroyed Goa not just two. They rape Goa on a daily basis to fill personal coffers.
Well said Mr Kakodkar and your last paragraph says it all. The Goans will be beggars with their own will. The Goans should come on the street and set the properties of the politicians and illegal mine owners and mega builders on fire . The Goans should take all the properties of Digamber, Ranes, Ravi, Baush and PIG brothers of varca. These are the people who mostly looted and plunder Goa in the name of developement and poor people
Well done Kakodkar for your informative article which warns about apocalypse of GOA.
Our crumb eaters and shit eaters of politicians should change their way of life for the betterment of our next generation.
All the 40 illiterate MLAs along with Digambar destroyed Goa for their own financial Gains.The pig of Varca went even further with his goonda Raj.
I don't know why the choice given in that title was only between Digamber and Babush. Digamber was Parrikar's right hand man...a defacto Deputy CM.....Babush was made a minister for the FIRST TIME and put in charge of the vital Planning and development sector by ...guess who? Parrikar!
Mr Kakodkar would certainly have found multiple qualities in both these gentlemen had they remained with the Phartie with Diffrance.
Who destroyed Goa More ? Little bird tells me the BJP lost the elections.
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