We all know the fate of this current controversory over the medium of instruction. Chief Minister Digambar Kamat will do what he does best- shelve the issue by appointing a committee of so called 'experts' to study the issue.
The ground reality is that Goans are already a minority in their own state. Walking through the streets, shopping at the markets or riding on the buses, we hear more of Kannada, Telugu, Oriya, Tamil, Malayalam, etc than Konkani or Marathi.
The empty talk of Special Status for Goa is for public consumption. There remains nothing to be saved. The destruction of once known Goa is almost complete. Uncontrolled migration spurred by vote bank politics has caused the influx of people from Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh and beyond. Goa is on the brink of a disaster of our own making. We are today faced with a dilemma of having a galaxy of mother tongues. And that’s the hard truth while we watch the sorrowing condition of our State.
All said and done the biggest irony is that the fate of the medium of instruction and Goa’s Education policy is in the hands of a 8th Std dropout. That’s the hard reality, even at the risk of having to lay the other eight fingers on the chopping board.


Vicente E. Do Rego said...

Aires, there is nothing to be suprised as, this is Indian democracy run by illiterate, criminals and money power. Indians invaded Goa and brought in crooks from Delhi with filthy mind and culture and that gave birth to what we see today. Portuguese rule was far far better. What we live in today is not a democracy rather worse then dictatorship.

Joaquimcorreiaafonso said...

The "Education Policy" does not have to be adhered to rigidly, for decade after decade. As the Nation progresses, as the State progresses, the Policy needs to be updated to keep up with the times.

There is nothing that prevents the government from extending the grants-in-aid to schools having English as the medium of instruction at the primary level.

Seems to me the objection is more from the Maharashtrawadis and that they have a hidden agenda - the more people study Marathi, the easier will be to achieve their goal of merger of Goa into Maharashtra, if this State manages to grab Belgaum District and neighbouring areas.

Konkani, being our Mother tongue, will flourish even if English is the medium of instruction in some aided schools.

Dalia said...

No matter, the 8th Std failed fellow will take lessons from Fr. Mousinho Athaide and pass his Doctorate in Devnagiri Konkani.

D.Justin said...

India is the biggest democracy in the world- uneducated democracy. In uneducated democracy the goondas, smugglers, pimps, drug dealrs,chamars, land and mine mafias, ordinary fishermen , motorcycle pilots, pigs without any basic education can become prime ministers, presidents, govenors, ministers and mlas. the world around us laughs at us for our stupidity.

Diogo Fichardo said...

Aires the whole of Goa is in the hands of school dropouts, you are correct it the of our own making. The congress party has always opted for the lesser educated persons as candidates because it is easier to mold them for their own benefit. Moreover it is the candidates blood money used to buy votes. A stronger third party is the need in Goa for the upcoming elections. Political crumb eaters do not elect Independent candidates as there is no charity for them. Lets hope the GRA can educate Goans to elect the right persons.

Perdro Lopes said...

We say and recite Ladins in Latin, (Ora pro nobis) why not the Mass, Latin should be and made compulsory for all Goans, be it Hindus or Muslims, just like we catholic's have to study Marathi and this baiya Hindi.

I've not come across, not a single family in Goa that has Marathi as their Mother tongue. Those who speak Marathi are originally from Maharashtra brought in by traitor Bandorkar to intimidate and kill the Goan Culture.

To have English as MOI and to encourage Konkani in Latin script or in Kannad / Devnagiri / Arabic / Guajarati script I don't think we need Independence from Invader Indians and their brainless parties, what we need is 22 or more seats at the assembly, with a majority we can have English or even German has our State language.

Babush to win a seat at the assembly spend per vote around estimated between 10 - 20, 000 INr's, (He fools the poor to ruin the poor) how did MGP get the 2 seats, did they promise that Marathi will be made compulsory to all Goans or killing the sate and making it a Taluka of Maharashtra was in their agenda. (they might have done something to win these seats.)

Aires Rodrigues de Ribander -> You have our blessing to stand for the forth coming Assembly Election. (You know we need 22 seats to throw the invaders out of our beloved GOA, I prayed that you loose the Panchayat election, now I shall pray that you win the assembly election)

Mog assundi

Salvador Seraulim said...

In the South we have the Dukor of Varca and in the north you have the MonsterRat both are school drop outs. That has not stopped them earning money through illegal ways, threatening anyone in their way. They have favoured Non Goans Vote banks over decent honest Goans and will soon introduce Ghanti language as an official language.

Shubash Lotlikar said...

Pedro I second you in supporting Aires for the upcomming elections.

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