MAPUSA: The Anjuna police have arrested two more individuals in connection with the shooting incident of Samprit Malvankar. Their names were disclosed as Tukaram Savlo Salgaonkar, aged 31, from Anjuna and Harish Rama Mandvilkar, aged 30, from Kandivli.
Police informed that both were lodged at Arthur Road jail in Mumbai, from where they were brought to Anjuna on a transfer warrant and remanded to ten days police custody. PI, Mr Manjunath Dessai informed that Tukaram is an accused in a drugs case and therefore was serving his sentence there, while Harish was serving a sentence in connection with a murder and other related cases. He said Tukaram contacted Harish and gave him a supari of ` 3 lakh to eliminate Samprit. However Harish, who is a shooter, hired another assassin, who was assisted by another accused, Shrikhanth in carrying out the plan.
This assassin, who is still at large, was staying at a shack at Mandrem. PI, Mr Desai and his team also recovered one pistol and three bullets from the shack, along with a Maruti Swift car (GA 01 S 8074), that was used by the accused Shrikhanth to transport the shooter. With this development the number of persons arrested has gone up to nine.
PI, Mr Desai was confident that the shooter would soon be in the police net, and with that the case would be solved and the guilty punished. (NT)


dlp said...

If the Police are so close, I'm scared they may nab me for no reason at all because I always act suspicious whenener I am in Goa for no reason at at all. What to do now? I dunno.

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