PONDA: The Ponda police inspector, Mr C L Patil, who was the investigating officer in the Mahanand Naik rape case, for which he was convicted a few days ago, said that the Ponda police have investigated each case meticulously and presented it before the court for its decision.
Mr Patil was reacting to the accusation made by Mahanand Naik, who allegedly spoke to the media in Panaji, while being led out of court. Mr Patil said, “Let him say what he wants to say. Every accused person says that he is innocent. It’s his (Mahanand) way of being defensive. When the court decides, we will respect the decision.”
When it was pointed that Mahanand categorically blamed a police sub-inspector, alleging that the PSI fabricated statements in the bones recovery story, Mr Patil said, “He is only trying to defend himself with lies. He expected to be acquitted in this rape case also, as he has been acquitted in the last three murder cases. However, the conviction announced by the court, has compelled him to make such utterances,” added Mr Patil.
Mr Patil however expressed happiness over the conviction announced by the court. “This is the first case of Mahanand, from Ponda, to achieve a conviction for raping his wife’s friend, for nearly two-and-half years,” he said, and added that the Shiroda girl on April 21, 2009, complained to the Ponda police about the rape, which led to Mahanand’s arrest and the ensuing confessions of the many murders.
It is alleged that Mahanand Naik, a resident of Tarwale, Shiroda, killed 16 women, for sexual pleasures and the greed of gold. He allegedly lured the unsuspecting girls with promises of marriage. (NT)
Do you any police officers or the court, and their lawyers, have any answers? Bye bye I'm going to slep now. Love you all Niz Goenkars!
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