The Nationalist Congress Party of Goa has decided to lodge a complaint with the competent authorities against the GPYC President Sankalp Amonkar. It was decided by the NCP on Tuesday to lodge the complaint in connection with the mismanagement of Canacona flood relief funds.
The meeting chaired by the NCP president Jose Philip D’Souza at the party headquarters, wherein the executive committee took the decision to do so. It was unanimously decided by them to complain after collecting the required evidence pertaining to their allegations against Mr. Amonkar.
The NCP had earlier hinted at lodging a police complaint against the Youth Congress chief if enough proof was found to establish the fraud of the missing money from the Canacona flood relief fund.
The alleged fraud was earlier exposed by the NCP spokesman, Mr Trajano D’Mello. The Goa pradesh Congress committee vice-president, Mr M K Shaikh had also stated that no money collected by the Youth Congress was deposited in the GPCC account.


Dalia said...

Good, one chor lodging the complaint against the other chor. Democracy functions well in India when they don't get the share of the loot. They should first lodge complaints against themselves for looting the treasury of Goa.

Trupti Nayak said...

This is all a show. One must not be entertained by these political parties and liers in disguise of honest.

dlp said...

Very Good!!! But I just wonder which Competent Authority. This is the first time I am hearing that there is a competent authority. Wow!!! What a "Title". "Competent Authority". I am waiting for the verdict.

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