"Renowned for its beaches, places of worship and world heritage architecture, Goa is visited by a large number of international and domestic tourist each year." This is what Wikipedia, the free online encyclopedia has to say about Goa and the unending cycle of tourist arrival in Goa every year. And just look at the warm welcome our government gives them.
The road that leads most of the tourist to the rest of Goa, 'The Airport Road’, which was once upon a time amongst the best roads of Goa is now literally weeping for a makeover. And yet it is left abandoned. The air is filled with dust and the potholes at every 2-3 meters, gives you such an ache up the spine that you don't want to ever come back here. With such a wonderful surrounding, why can't the roads be maintained to suit the place?
Taking in account the normal day to day life, this disabled road is not only used by tourists coming to Goa but also used by 3 schools, 1 hospital and residents and locals who travel to and fro.
Well for whom do we wait to take a step? Who is responsible for such maintenance? Do we have to keep the place looking best only for some big event or when someone to impress is here? Why are we denied our comfort? One alone cannot but together we can make a difference. If we wait, we would be waiting all our life. If we want a better place to live in WE have to make the first move.
Me alone blogging on this issue will make no difference. But together we could work for a change. These were little of my mind speaking towards this issue. I'll be glad to have your comments to the issue too. Thank you for taking time to know a bit of Our Goa.
The reason for the decline in the road quality is due to our corrupt Ministers and irresponsible government officials. If the demand for hafta is high poorer quality materials will be used by contractors.
Sancet Marques is another Niz-goenkar who is in mid twenties. This article is written by him and supported by his friends (organisation) SCG boys. Buddy thanks for the interest to bring this article. Its seems niz-goenkar is becoming a blockbuster in Goa.
Ok let me put some inputs now! This area half belongs to Jose Philip and Half belongs to Mauvin. Both of them are acting like children no one wants to develope it, Mauvin blocks Jose and Jose blocks Mauvin. Also now they are open rivals in the battlefield, and Philip is trying to give ticket to his brother Pascoal D'souza to be a candidate in the new Dabolim Seat. Mauvin has opted out of Cortalim and would like to contest for Dabolim, its been rumours that Mauvin is trying to put his wife in Cortalim or a family member, how far truth I do not know its just rumours may be.
Regarding the road in chicalim this has been repaired 6 months back but poor quality of work has done the damage again. Who recieved money or monies I do not know its up to you to decide.why the action is not taken against the contractor as per the rules and regulation of the tenders.
Sancet and the SCG boys from Vasco ... keep up the good work guys. Trust me, your efforts to save Goa for the Goans won't go in vain. We are there with you through thick and thin. And please don't get intimidated by the illiterate-goonda politicians. They will soon get a taste of Niz Goenkar's dose.
Viva Goa, Viva Niz Goenkar, Goa for Goans
Hi Sancet::: Great article.
I know about a business man in Goa called "RATOL BABA".His business is flourishing at present.
I think following your article on the state of roads in Goa, I would advise Ratol to expand his business enterprise in "HOVERCRAFTS".!!!
Sancet, a good article but not for the blind. The Kamat Ministry is made up of most of the drop outs and illiterates of Goa. It is also full of the Great Alibaba's and one of the greatest Alibaba lives in Vasco who is the owner of many Aunty Nagars filled with migrants. You can be assured that Sharda Rathod will contest the elections one day for the assembly, sooner or later, the migrant population of Vasco will be overgrown by Rathods and alikes.
However, thank you for the article and urge more Niz Goenkars to write on the blog on issues like you brought in print. Kudos to you and to other boys with you. We will prosper. regards from Portugal from Niz Goenkars, see you soon in Goa, back to my sweet home next week.
Pot holes on Goa roads,is a yearly occurence.It is a guaranteed event.
What surprises me most is that India is capable of developing nuclear bombs,exloring space,has loads of research & development laboraties.
so I am surprised it has not yet developed durable roads.Or, if it has why is it not being used.The commonwealth Games has proved sub-standard constructions due to corrupt practices.
Goa is not the only place on earth or the southern hemisphere, that suffers from the Monsoons.Most of South East Asia does.
It seems like those donkeys that run the Goa government and notably the biggest of the donkeys...the "PUBLIC WORKS DONKEY" Churchill,are more interested in creating sub-standard roads, so he / that they can pocket a lot of the Public /Tax payers money allocated for these road works.
The main Trunk Roads and National Highways should be given priority.This is where the bulk of Goa`s economy moves and which people utilise. However all these Goa Ministers are more interested in Tarmacing tributory/ ancillary roads.
I am sure durable roads are possible to construct and longer term roads.But it is these bunch of Goa Donkeys in the Legislature that are not interested.They are very busy "HOT MIXING " their Bank Balances, with the best "CORRUPTION" available.
@ N. Fernandes... why not use our Core members (your namesake) in Switzerland to find out the money stashed away by our Goan Chors in Swiss bank account? That will make a very good report. After all it is the tax payers money and the money robbed from Goa.
Even Portugal returned the gold that was deposited in Banco Nacional Ultramarine by Goans. But these chors are depositing all the loot in Swiss banks.
We need to find it out.
what measure can we take to bring this matter in the limelight???
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