POT CALLING KETTLE BLACK by Praxy Fernandes, Sanquelim

Whenever Goa legislature assembly session is notified BJP goes gung-ho telling us how they will expose present government and its cronies through their public meetings and news in local newspapers. Same theatrics continue on assembly floor but finally what is the outcome? We public are fooled as there is literally no solution or improvement in administration; contrary scams and criminal activities by politicians/their relatives & close ones keep increasing manifold and that too exponentially. Todays politicians are all birds of the same feather, they fool public in wanting to expose any minister on corrupt/criminal activites but don’t waste any time to make same person a minister if they can pull down governments and cobble majority of their own. Remember BJP made 2 well-known goons as ministers propelling them into so much limelight that they nowadays feel they are above law and indulge in all types of criminal activities. BJP even gave corruption an official status by starting corporations like GDIDC which loot funds in the name of speedy projects. And where are our freedom fighters who only know to blame Portuguese but cant keeping their house clean? On what basis has their list increased much later on after our regretful liberation.


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