For The Eyes of Goans Only

Two Beautiful letters to the Herald by Niz Goenkars
Mockery of democracy by B V S Priolkar, Margao

A government employee gets suspended when (s)he is behind bars for 48 hours. The pension, salary and other benefits get affected. For a government job, the credentials and integrity of the person are verified.

But for our elected representatives in the Assembly/Parliament, integrity and credentials are unimportant. They get pay, allowances, pension and all other facilities no matter what. When these MLAs/MPs go to police custody or jail for the offences against them, they lose nothing. They continue to be MLAs or MPs, enjoy pay and pension uninterrupted, and get a police escort to attend the Assembly or Parliament. This is a sheer mockery of democracy. Are MLAs and MPs not bound by any code of conduct? How can the Speaker entertain such people? The Speaker should disqualify such members, and they should forfeit pay and pension, just like government employees.


Gutless Sena by Jyoti Shetgaonkar, Morjim

The Shiv Sena marching to the Mapuca Municipality was a waste of time. Who is interested in having a name plate in Marathi? Whether the language of the name plate, everyone knows that it is the useless Mapusa Municipality.

I would be pleased if the Shiv Sainiks had fought to demolish illegal constructions, or road congestion. They should ensure that government employees do not have private businesses. On 12 July, people from all over Bardez gathered at the Mamlatdar’s office to get their election cards rectified or make new ones, but the mamlatdar did not attend duty, even though the Election Commission had advertised in newspapers. The Shiv Sainiks should have marched there and made noise. But do they have the guts?


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