PORVORIM: The Bharatiya Bhasha Suraksha Manch (BBSM) on Friday announced a 'Goa bandh' on June 6, to intensify its agitation against the new government policy to allocate grants to English medium primary schools in the state.
The BBSM who supports wholeheartedly Marathi the language of neighbouring state of Maharashtra are hit back by the grants for English MOI. They wanted more grants and facilities for Marathi and not Konkani.  If BBSM means business then they should also fight for grants to be stopped to be given for any other language and specially marathi says Shashikant Gaonkar a resident of Panjim.
While manch convener Shashikala Kakodkar said in the morning that the bandh would be on June 4, by evening BBSM coordinator and RSS Goa chief Subhash Velingkar said it would be on June 6, the day schools will reopen in Goa.
Addressing those gathered for a roadblock at O'Coqueiro junction at 9.15am, Kakodkar said, "We have decided to call for a Goa bandh on June 4, to protest the government decision. I appeal to all stakeholders to take to the streets to make the bandh a big success."
The token road blockade, called 'chakka jaam', wound up by 10.45am, but not before inconveniencing commuters. Various organizations, including outfits of the Sangh Parivar, participated.
Stating she was "very happy" that Konkani/Marathi activists had come together on one platform to protest the state's decision, Kakodkar said, "I hope we all remain together till we win this battle and our demands are met."  Velingkar told the gathering that a meeting of representatives of all protesting organizations would be held on Saturday to chalk out the programme for the bandh.
Opposition leader Manohar Parrikar said all 14 BJP MLAs will support the BBSM agitation even if they have to lose some votes.  MGP acting president Narayan Sawant said the issue should not be politicized and appealed to people to come together to create awareness to "save the local language".
Incidentally, when Sawant was addressing the gathering, members in the crowd demanded that he ask transport minister Ramkrishna 'Sudin' Dhavalikar to resign from the cabinet.  Shiv Sena acting president Ramesh Naik said an oath should be taken to never vote for the Congress in Goa. It is evident that Ramesh Naik failed in his motive of getting marathi to be raised to a higher stature.


Buyarantlomonis said...

How come Churchill is quit now, probably Shashikala  should go in for a second opinion poll.

Gobor said...

 RTE which is a Central Act,  respects MOI of the parent's choice. (Tai, Parrikar, Vellingkar, Karmali, especially Arvind Bhattikar who is IAS, please read the RTE Act with the help of someone who understands English properly).
Their agitation is totally illegal. They should be arrested for challenging A Central Act. The intelligent Parrikar should Challenge the Act in the Supreme Court. It's not that their brains is in their  knees, they are out to fool the  people of Goa. 
Wonder why the High court is not taking cognisance of the same.

Can Aires bab come suggest something about this.

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