Primary education ought to be in the mother tongue. This is a proven principle of pedagogical science; about it there is no dispute. Konkani is the mother tongue of Goa. This is also admitted by all. It is based on this that Konkani was made the official language of Goa and included in the 8th Schedule of the Constitution, and Goa was raised to the level of a state.
Therefore, primary education in Goa has to be in Konkani. It is as simple as 1 + 1 = 2.
However, ignorance, prejudices and other extraneous factors have clouded the judgement of many Goans who, while admitting the validity of the above two premises, deny the resulting conclusion. This is seen in the mushrooming private English primary schools, their growing numbers of students, and the depleting number for Konkani.
The attitude of the government does not help either. If Konkani is the official language, then the administration has to be in Konkani. But our governments have been largely indifferent. If the administration is to be conducted in Konkani, there should be personnel conversant with the language, spoken and written. This means those in service must be trained, and those to come in future should be equipped with the knowledge of Konkani acquired as a medium of instruction, at least at the primary level. The government should go all out to have primary schools only in Konkani, and promote Konkani in private primary schools.
But if one goes by the statistics for 2007-08, against 893 government Marathi medium primary schools with 32,939 students, there were only 68 government Konkani medium primary schools with 1,960 students!
Among private primary schools, Konkani as a medium of instruction fares better than Marathi and even English. While there are 54 schools in Marathi (with 7,534 students) and 119 in English (with 20,888 students), there are 137 in Konkani (with 27,750 students). But this is not a matter of rejoicing. The trend in terms of students is in favour of English, and against both Konkani and Marathi.
Of the Konkani medium primary schools, 126 are of the Archdiocesan Board of Education. This is due to the wise and bold decision taken by then Archbishop Raul Gonsalves in 1990 after wide consultation, open debates and deep studies by experts who took all issues, including practical ones, into consideration. He stood by this decision with rock-like determination despite protests and attempts to sabotage it even from within.
It is true that the then Archbishop’s decision was occasioned by the policy framed by the then government to give grants to primary schools in regional language medium. This came after the High Court ordered that private primary teachers should be paid on par with teachers in government primary schools. But Archbishop Raul said that his decision would stand, even if the government at any time chose to extend grants to private primary schools in English. I salute him for this.
Unfortunately, there does not seem to be that much commitment now. If the Archdiocesan Board of Education opens English sections in its primary schools and/or the government gives grants to private English primary schools, it will sound a death knell for Konkani as a medium of primary education. May God avert it!
The Konkani Bhasha Mandal (KBM) runs a Konkani pre-primary and primary school in Margao since 1979. It is an excellent school. Its statistics, however, are falling. From 157 students in 2005-06, 141 (06-07), 131 (07-08), 110 (08-09), the number in 2009-10 has dipped to 85, of whom 62 are ethnic Goans and 23 non-Goans; 62 are Hindus, 14 Catholics and 9 Muslims. The need of the hour is to arrest this downhill graph. The KBM’s high-profile programmes have no meaning if it cannot keep alive its one primary school.
One excuse for parents not to send their children to Konkani primary schools, where education is free and lots of facilities are offered, and instead send them to English primary schools where they have to pay heavily, is the alleged difficulty to switch over to English at the secondary level. This is only an excuse. Goa has had a long history of switchovers.
During the Portuguese era, Christians did primary education in Portuguese and switched over to English in Std V. Hindus did primary studies in Marathi, switched over to Portuguese and then to English. Neither Christians nor Hindus suffered in the switch-over: both acquired proficiency in English after the switch-over.
Parents’ apprehensions in this regard are without any basis. Rather, they seem hangovers from colonial times – when Christians considered Konkani as a language of servants, and Hindus deemed it a dialect of Marathi – so for both it was not fit to be a medium of education.
But from Liberation till today, Konkani’s fortunes have changed for the better. Now, no one in his senses calls it a dialect of Marathi. In the Church, Konkani is the language of services, and is bound to stay. It has entered talukas that were earlier considered citadels of Marathi. Literature of high value in Konkani, meriting translation into foreign languages, and tools of study like text books, grammars, dictionaries, vocabularies, have been brought out. Konkani as an optional third language in high schools and higher secondaries surpasses all other languages. The same case is at graduate and post-graduate levels. We have PhDs in Konkani.
So I find no reason why Konkani cannot be an efficient medium of primary education and why parents, if they have a spark of love for Indian culture, for the Konkani language, for Goa’s identity, and for the welfare of their own children, should not send their wards to Konkani primary schools. I would invite parents to reflect for a moment and search for any real harm that could be caused to their children if they send them to Konkani primary schools.
On the contrary, if they are sincere, they will realise the irreparable harm they are causing to Goa, to Konkani and to their own children by educating them at the primary level in English. Instead, they should educate them in Konkani. But for this to happen, the example should come from the elites in both communities, who should make a conscious effort to converse in Konkani and to educate their wards in Konkani primary schools.
As a tailpiece, I would like to refer to the results of Goan students in the ‘National Talent Search – 2009’ conducted by the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT). These exams aim to spot and nurture (through scholarships up to the PhD level) the best talent. The exams are for Std VIII students and the syllabus is the same as for the class. The test, however, is not mainly of memory but of thinking power, performing ability and grasping capacity. The exams are in English.
The statistics are revealing. Among the 25 students successful at the state level (Goa’s quota is 25 students) only two spoke English at home, 22 spoke Konkani and one was ethnically a non-Goan. The next step is the written exam at the national level. Only seven passed this exam. Of these seven, not even one spoke English at home; six were Goans and spoke Konkani at home and one was non-Goan. The final step is the national oral exam: five Goans and one non-Goan made it through. None of them were English-speaking. Of the five Goans, two had done primary school in Konkani, two in Marathi and two in English!
The statistics bust the myth that for academic excellence, speaking English at home and doing primary school in English are required. The community which makes it a point to speak English at home and insists on sending its children to English primary schools was nowhere in sight in these exams, where the actual intellectual prowess of students is tested.


Vicente E. Do Rego said...

To Fr. Mousinho- If you feel that every child's primary education should be in Mother Tongue then the same principle should apply to private un-aided schools as well. Why there is double standard. Let the rule be uniform to all the schools. Nobody in Goa are against Konkani but as a matter of fact, what is followed in Goa is divide and rule if I am not mistaken.

Anthnio said...

"The people who are real fathers should decide the medium in which their child will study "
Dear all
I my self was the victim of bad medium chosen by my parents
I did my primary in Marathi and switched over to English
when i passed out with first class in S.S.C. i could hardly speak english except teacher he is pinching me.
and for that matter when i was doing my graduation because i could not talk spoken english
we were forced to make a group of non English speakers.
The fate Marathi and konkani learners will be same or will be worst then me except for a few who talk English at home.
the majority of the people from Salcete ( of the category who say "Jesus apao say" to their tiny tots)
will be also worst then me.
This world has become a village today and english is the universal language.
which should be thought to all the children of the world!
And for gods sake don't choose the medium for the super talented with super memary
we are talking of a average child who wants to be a good citizen , better human being.
with equal level playing conditions.

Anthonio Paul

Shambuswamy said...

Reverend Father Mousinho,

I accept your right to express your opinion on this issue but totally diapprove with your shouting from the roof-tops that this issue will create a big division among the 2 major communities. This is totally unacceptable and a way of trying to impose one's wishes by creating a fear psychosis and inciting communal passions. Has anyone said that English is a language of Christians and Konkani is a language of Hindus? It is RIDICULOUS on your part to put forward such silly arguments in the first place.

At the same time I understand your thinking because you don't have children and so will never understand the difficulties parents face in bringing up their children. Neither are you a professional as most lay-man become and so will not understand what it takes to succeed in one's career in today's ultra-competitive world.

Dear Father, Konkani is much more closer to our hearts than you as we speak it day-in and day-out unlike you who speaks Portuguese with your family. It is unfortunate that for the sake of our personal egos we hold our children's future to ransom.

A to Z said...

Fr Mousinho de Ataide welcome to this site which loves Goa, Goans & Konkani. Your love for Konkani is well known ; however its for the Devnagri script. We are definately for the Roman script as we do not beleive in Indian culture. We are for Goan culture which is mixutre of Asian & Western. It's that what identifies Goans as polite, hospitable and susegad(contended but not lazy).
Your statistics talk of execeptions who excelled in studies. You are not bothered about common people. The majority of whom struggle to earn their daily bread. How many of them got jobs anywhere in the world by studying in Konkani at primary level ?
Furthermore, what is the level of this Konkani which is thought in schools, colleges and university. Many of Konkani writers shows that they have done MA in Konkani. From where did they get the text books? Most of the text books were written among themselves with no level at all. And the Goa University accepted these books as they have no choice. Most of the words used in these text books are from Marathi. And most of these writers have done their education in Marathi. How qualified are they to write the books in Konkani ? Or do you want our children to learn KONRATHI (Marathi & Konkani Combined).

Priests are good at preaching others. How about practising it at home. Where did your brother Mario's educate his children and in which Medium ? Or is it like politicians who says konkani should be thought in schools and they educate their children in the English medium at Saradha Mandir at Miramar, Panjim ?

What is wrong in having an English subject at primary level ? Will children get mixed up with words ? A child is capable of learning seven languages at a time. And all of them fluently.


Don Quixote said...

Oh Fr. Mousinho Athaide, you have a empty hole in your head. This controversial priest from Rachol Seminary who was the lawyer in the Bishop Palace at Altinho of the Canon Law. He was our Chaplain at Miramar and all his life has been rotating with controversies. He should go back to school to learn and write Devnagiri script, then preach in the Church and display notices in that script for donations, all will understand easily. This priest will spare no efforts to preach Devanagiri Konkani, write and teach in that script. The controversial priest as a lawyer of Canon Law was regularly bashed for his intolerance, stupidity and lack of understanding of Goan values. He need good treatment to get the right thoughts. I think it is high time for this priest to go around, meet parents and feel the pulse rather than standing in the pulpit and preach what he feels is right. According to this idiot, we should send our children to Konkani schools and then may be after they turn out to be nuts, admit them in the seminary to be one like him. Fr. Mousinho was shown enough evidence of truth by prominent people like Tomazinho Cardozo and Premanand Lotlikar who are staunch supporters of Konkani but don't want to impose it as a MOI on our children. Fr. Mousinho should have not come shamelessly with this article after he was totally bashed and bolted out on Prudent media in a public debate. This man sings like Karmali.

Don Quixote said...

Read his quote pasted below from his article and make your own judgement about his mindset;

The statistics are revealing. Among the 25 students successful at the state level (Goa’s quota is 25 students) only two spoke English at home, 22 spoke Konkani and one was ethnically a non-Goan. The next step is the written exam at the national level. Only seven passed this exam. Of these seven, not even one spoke English at home; six were Goans and spoke Konkani at home and one was non-Goan. The final step is the national oral exam: five Goans and one non-Goan made it through. None of them were English-speaking. Of the five Goans, two had done primary school in Konkani, two in Marathi and two in English!

Perdro Lopes said...

Rev. Father

Here the problem is Marathi and not Konkani and also each one has the right to study in the Medium they want. (Not forgetting the Script) by the way which script do you encourage.?

Are you Father for the Independence of Goa,? or you think Goa belongs to India?. If so please don't destroy Goa any more.

Have you asked yourself why so many Marathi schools? are these Marathi instructors from Goa or from India?

The Church has always screwed Goa, please don't continue this Job. Concentrate in preaching in the church or around the church.

Mog Assundi

dlp said...

Who gave him the name Mousinho??? He must have been a little mouse the day he was born.

Ozone said...

Fr. Mousinho, you contact your brother Mario and ask him why his children are studying in English medium. Check and come back and then write another article. You seems to be like a totally ignorant potato who preach what you don't practice. People like you should be leashed and tied in a corner before spreading venom. When you go to Portugal and Rome including US at the cost of Bishop's palace, do you talk and write Devnagiri Konkani there?

Goenkar said...

Oh Fr. मौसिन्हो, सिंचे व्हेन दीड यौ स्तर्तेद व्रीतिंग अंड रेअदिंग इन देवनागिरी? गो अंड तेल थे बिशोप तो त्रांस्लाते अल छ्रिस्तिअन डॉक्त्रीनेस इन देवनागिरी कोंकणी सो यौ उन्देर्स्तंद थेम वेल.

N.Fernandes-London said...

Reading all the comments above , I get the imoression that this Padre is still living in a BYGONE era.
I think he is still living in the Bow & Arrows era...while the world has moved on to a Nuclear ,Space &
Computing era.
I have never heard any Goan speak perfect Konkani.There are always English words als used.The same wityh Marathi.
Listening to video clips of the Goa Legislature, many MLA`s speak in Konkani with several words of English.
I accept we are discussing MOI.However I believe kids pick up Konkani as it is widley spoken,but have to actually learn English.They need like anything else in life, a good foundation in the language they will eventually use in their day to day lives.
Many goods purchased in India or Goa are in English or have English names.
I doubt Computing has Konkani as a language choice.
Again ( and correct me if I am wrong or misguided)....Konkani is not a Full Language, like English is.There is no match word for word to an English Dictionary.If I am correct, than Konkani is actually a dialect,made up of other languages.

N.Fernandes-London said...

HI OZONE.....I think this Padre has a strange philosophy.It is "WHAT IS GOOD FOR THE GOOSE IS "NOT" GOOD FOR THE GANDER."
By the way when this PAdre is in he USA he talks A Langusge called "POTATOES".

N.Fernandes-London said...

Well said.
I respect some Priests, but this Fr. Mousinho seems to have double Standards.

N.Fernandes-London said...

Anthonio::: I sincerely empatise with you.I also know of many Goans, that these days wish they had a good grounding in English, so that they could be confident speaking it at social gatherings or getting jobs abroad(since there are none for Goans in Goa).

N.Fernandes-London said...

Hi Shambuswamy::::Well said.But do not be surprised if I tell you that many Priests have reared children secretly & illegitimately and many have left or been ex-communnicated (sacked) from the Church.
These days there are many scandals involving Priests too.Most notably Paedophillia.
Priests lately ar eno longer sacrosanct.(Holy).A few in Goa have been involved in "alleged" scandals...notably Ribandar and Colva.

Trevor said...

Father, with due respect, the parents have already spoken on this issue. After all it is THEIR children that we are talking about. They, more than anyone want their children to succeed. It is now a global economy. If they are to succeed in the world they have a have a good command of the English language. That is just the way it is. It is understood that we all love Konkani and that is why blood was spilled to make it our official language. As everyone as said here, children can be taught two languages at the same time, as children pick up languages very easily. The new world is very fluid; we can no longer think that people in Goa are going to remain in Goa. In the US they are now teaching children Chinese as they see future with Americans no longer working only in the US. If one looks at the successful indians in America and in Europe, all of them came from English schools. When it comes to computer jobs in the US and in Europe, Indians compete with Chinese students, and in most cases succeed in getting the jobs because Indians speak better English than the Chinese. I believe Konkani should be elevated in so many more ways in Goa to give it the prestige it deserves. Please use your efforts in doing this…….So please find a way to teach both Konkani and English in schools.

N.Fernandes-London said...

Hi Trevor:::It seems from reading comments here,as long as this Priests Brothers children are educated in English,the other Parents children can go to hell.
Parents must be given a paramount decision to choose what is best for their Children and their childrens futures.
It is the Parents who will bear the burden if their children cannot find jobs , as you say, in this global world.
Again as you rightly stated, many Western Countries have outsourced thei back-office jibs to India as the considered Indians as natural English speakers.
Also it may interest you and other readers here, to note, that all the Call Centres in India are very keen to employ and give priority to Goans as they speak English with more confidence & authority.

Delphine Pereira said...

It is our God given right to teach our children what is better for them and the future of our Goan society. The Priests and illiterate politicians dictate to us their terms and rules, but how many of them follow the same rules? Let us unite and demand what we think is right for Goan children's future. Todays international market operates in English. I will not bow to any priest or political leaders they are equally bad and tarnished in contrivances in their own ways.

Anand Desai Mopa said...

Is this priest leaving in a dream world? Yes as a Goan I would like the future for Goans to be English and Konkani in roman script. Very soon this priest will demand Goans church services be in devnagri . Let the parents decide what is good for their children, How can illiterate criminal politicians make decisions for US.

N.Fernandes-London said...

To Delphine::: Many of these Priests and "Goats" like Karmali, Shashakila Kakodkar etc, are no longer respected by anyone anymore and so come out with controversial subjects to seek attention.
I doubt any youth, or the majority of people in Goa today care about these "FOSSILS".
They are plainly "attention seekers".
They remind me of Prostitutes, that have to wear a lot of make-up , and put flowers in their hair to attract a client.
Fr Mousinho, Karmali and Shashikala have always been controversial.It is the only thing that they have that gives them any credibility

Perdro Lopes said...

Mostly from Bombay and unfortunately not from Goa, now I know why a Goan child suffers in society, it's the lack of fluency in the English language. Things will change after Independence.

Buyarantlomonis said...

Well said Trevor & Pedro Lopes earlier - . with due respect to this father , is he for the Independence of Goa ? If Konkani is our mother tongue why Marathi schools are aided by the govt ? & if MOI is compulsory in mother tongue, there should be only konkani medium schools in Goa. the few english medium schools which are privately run charge huge fees the way they feel, with or without govt control we do not know. The Church has always screwed Goa, and also partly to be blamed for the situation where Goa is in today. one of the mail reason India is still occupying Goa.please stop it.
will our children get jobs in Goa if they study in konkani medium, in main cities of Goa Hindi is in vogue & most spoken, all non Goans have occupied & are still getting new jobs in govt offices housed in buildings build by the Portuguese. See Daman, Portuguese is widely spoken & taught in schools even now. shame on us. No one is against Konkani . In kerela they teach Arabic in schools, why ?

I have doubts this Fr. Mousinho seems to have double Standards.

Vicente E. Do Rego said...

Fr. Mousinho I feel sorry for you reading above comments and for dangling into this controversy, not a single comments written above are in your favour and you are lost. Classic example is given about your own brother and please do not drag yourself further, either be in favour of majority and continue to be good preacher and leave the choice to parents. You don't have children and you don't know the difficulty in bringing them up.

Buyarantlomonis said...

Fr. Mousinho, have you realized or thought why private un-aided schools are allowed to teach MOI in english ? & moreover charge huge fees uncontrolled by the govt ? the law should be uniform for all schools whereby if the law says that MOI in mother tongue is compulsory then how come come these private schools have MOI in english ?. does the education law says that private schools can choose their MOI ? your article does not have any sense unless U are also senseless or shameless.

please write one more article asking Ali baba & his forting theives or ask for a change in law to have MOI as Konkani or Marathi in the assembly and not English which most of these idiots converse with.
don,t be surprised if Kanada or Malyalam is introduced as MOI in the assembly and in schools as well after the coming assembly session.

As a priest you should not be concerned about languages nor MOI, you only should preach word of God.
please stop visiting these site also. we know you, and the church could have been instrumental in avoiding this situation of Goa we are currently in.

Buyarantlomonis said...

Fr. Mousinho can We Goans request U to say the mass in Latin ?

Shubash Raikar Panjim said...

Well said Mr Rego

Salvador Seraulim said...

Fr. Mousinha I cannot understand what is your agenda; being a Goan you should be ashamed not supporting Goans. Goans demand better education for their children, as you are not a parent you will not understand the importance of the parents needs. As Delphine has commented today’s International Market operates in English. Do not make our GOAN children suffer through yours and other illiterate politicians arrogance.

Silvestor Bethalbatim said...

Education for children should be the choice of parents. Being a priest you should keep your views to yourself and attend to your flock, that are deserting the church, because they have leaders like you. . I will make the decision for my children and support others who are with me. To hell with Humans like you, Karmali and Shashit Kakodkar.

Shambuswamy said...

Yes sir, but let us not generalise. There are black sheep in every profession,community or social group. There are lots of priests who are doing a very very great service to their communities and society in general. Besides they sacrifice their entire life for the sake of us.

Besides in the Ribandar issue,the accuser is the biggest crook in entire Goa and will stoop to any level to extort money. remember German girl rape case, remember the attack in the bar. Once money flows in the Mandovi to Ribandar all issues are forgotten.

Dalia said...

Better late than never. This priest needs some good understanding about MOI and why we need it in English. Grants and free doles by the Government should not be a bait to lure Konkaniwadis to embrace marathi by imposing Devnagiri script for Konkani. I doubt if this learned priest knows fluent Konkani and can translate certain words from English. He is fit to be a politician and it is obvious that he is talking with a borrowed tongue from some politicians. It was a "sin" to talk against priests or the Church in Goa until Dogui Bodmas opened up the Pandu's Box. It is great that we can debate, understand and come to terms. I hope the learned priest will understand the sentiments of the masses and not be siding with the hidden devil. He should be a spiritual leader and not a politician without brain.

Joaquimcorreiaafonso said...

There is nothing against Konkani as the medium of instruction. The schools that want to have Konkani as the medium of instruction can continue to do so. However, government grants can and should be also extended to those schools having English as the medium of instruction.

The priests cannot impose the medium of instruction on the people. It is for the parents of school-going children to decide. What the then Archbishop of Goa decided might have been good at that time. But now more than 25 years have passed. Have we made no progress?

Another Goenkar said...

How many readers can read and understand what Goenkar wrote? Fr. Mousinho, could you please read and translate it to us?

N.Fernandes-London said...

Is this the language used in the United Nations or Goa Legislature "SPEAKER SIR"!

N.Fernandes-London said...

fair comment/ reply.
I am aware of a few Goans from South Goa that work in Call Centres in Hyderabad & Pune.I also read an article about this.

N.Fernandes-London said...

This Padre would have had to study Latin in his theological studies.
However if he says the Mass in Latin,I doubt he would get any Parishoners.They would all start yawning and going to sleep.
Latin is now an outdated method of Church Communication or MASS.It is used in Rome mostly and some Latin American Countries.
This Padre has a right to give us his opinion or views.He should not force it down our throats, based on outdated concepts or statistics.
He needs to get a grip on the Modern World and move on, rather than sleep in his PULPIT/ Altar or Tabernacle..

N.Fernandes-London said...

Silvestor: Good thinking and practical.
This Padre should preach the word of God...not get involved in Politics of Education.

N.Fernandes-London said...

No one is against Konkani or Marathi.However as you say, Govt.funding must be made available to all mediums.
That is what we call choices.There is no harm learning additional languages.
However parents must decide which medium will give their children the best future prospects, in this very competitive jobs world.
I doubt Konkani or Marathi will have any benefits in the REST OF THE WORLD.

MAN said...





Don Quixote said...

I am sure, Cowmuth will now think of getting off from this controversy and run to Madame Delhi after reading all the above comments and hide in her pallu. He will also admit his grand children in Madrassa as it not far off from his dwelling in Margao. Good idea Mr. Cowmuth, in gratitude you can provide the Madrassa with Air Conditioned Toilets too. Your own community will be happy as you are already known to them as "Baba" but bet you, they will not accept Baba Ramdev's admission. You can also ask your legislators to admit their kins in these Madrassas as free physical education provided with useful instruments will be of gain to defend you criminals when real Goans wake up.

Goeanchoazo said...

Yes the MAN is correct, government should stop aid to all medium except Konkanni & English. English should be MOI and Konkanni should be official language from 3rd Standard onwards and that is Roman & Devnagri script optional. Marathi should be dumped in the toilet if someone wants to study Marathi go to Maharasthra and salute the Traitor Bandodkar the dog. Rest who wants English & Konkanni can stay in Goa, Most of the traitors who voted during the opinion poll for merger of Goa to Maharasthra should be kicked out of Goa by the Nizgoenkar and sent to Maharasthra with holding the statue of the traitor the dog Bandodkar.

As Pedro said we want Goa to be a free country and I see Nizgoenkar is supporting it and one day Nizgoenkar will achieve it, bravo Pedro Lopes and viva Menino de Valpoi, once we are free no one can impose anything on us only solution is to free Goa. Menino de Valpoi we want more articles on portuguese rule in Goa, shit with this Indiano Jones

Goeanchoazo said...

Long Live Dotor Jack Sequeria and shit on the dog Bandodkar, I know how we fought for the opinion poll, the last thing I want to see before I die is our old golden days of Goa. The dogs voted during opinion poll for merging Goa to Maharasthra should not be provide the rationcards or anything. Let them go to Maharasthra, my blood is boiling when I remember the opinion poll days. In every part of Goa there should be statue of Dotor Jack Sequeira and his photo in the assembly and a big statue of him outside the assembly to give him respect.

you kutro Maharasthrian arse licker Bandodkar, if Dotor was not there we goans would have licked Maharastrian arse like you KUTRO! Sunnea! You want to sell my Goa to Maharastra, kudea, zat ani kat naslolo, you dukor.

Rocky Dias said...

Call centers in India abroad are employing English speaking persons in other parts of India, they are the results of their parents giving them good English education. And this PADRI is preaching to Goans differently. I would rather Father Mousinho preach to fellow womanizing priests that are after short skirt women having illegitimate children, and others are hand in glove with corrupt politicians selling donated land to Non-Goans. The Catholics in Goa have lost their faith in such priests. The bishop has lost control of his priests in Goa, Let parents decide their child's future.

Shubash Raikar Panjim said...

Fr. Mousinho,Shashikala and Carmali will make very good trio of traitors.Goa has 40 illiterates more just like them, let us unite to get rid of them.

Romulus102 said...

With all due respect Fr.Mousinho.
Please translate the following in konkani (whatever script you like),try marathi as well if you fancy it.
1:The earth consists of several layers. The three main layers are the core, the mantle and the crust.
2:two molecules of hydrogen gas and 1 molecule of oxygen gas combine to form water.

Now, once you have done the above, try explaining this to students from 5-6th std (please ensure you do not use a single word of english).....then please comment here on what your experience was on explaining the above.

See fr, the fact is that english language has far more benefits as medium of instruction than any regional language. This does not mean that konkani will be on the back burner. Today most students in goa study hindi as second language. have you asked yourself why is this so. What is the need to study hindi? is it because it is our national langauge, many people claim this but in a country like India no one can force anyone to accept a language from a different region as a national language.
So why not have konkani as second language and compulsory. if anyone (especially the marathiwadis) wants to know why it needs to be compulsory it is because it is the language of konkan and Goa. Why marathi should be made an optional langauge? because it is the language of maharashtra, not goa. If people with their loyalties to maharashtra or marathi want to learn marathi, they can either go to maharashtra or learn it as a third language. We cannot give equal status to all the languages of our neigbouring states, why? does maharshtra give equal status to konkani even though part of konkan is in maharashtra, does karnataka give equal status to konkani, even though many people from karwar and mangalore speak in konkani.

Sorry I diverged from the topic but I had get my point across.

Dalia said...

@Romulus102, you have projected your points too politely, any idiot with a hole in his head won't be able to hold water. I am sure the priest mentioned will understand better talking with Johnnie Walker.

Clunha said...

Rightly said Delphine, It is also our hard earned money we pay as taxes. We should be able to decide as to where and in what language to educate our children. Padre bab you can go and sit with Naguesh and the Kakodkar BIT of a CH and try to hopoi your dal there.

N.Fernandes-London said...

You have made you point very well.
However you have been a little polite calling the Priest Father (Fr.).
Based on the views I would change Father to "FR.eak" Mousinho.

Delphine Pereira Navelim said...

Great example, hope the priest will understand what mess he is creating for Goans.

Anand Desai Mopa said...

I couldn't have put it any better. Good thinking

N.Fernandes-London said...

Another Goenkar::: do not disturb Padre Mousinho.He is very busy writing a book in Marathi.!!!!!!

Perdro Lopes said...

Hi N. Fernandes, you are right, these are the few who were fortunate to have started and completed their studies in English.
After Independence, not few but all will have these opportunity to start and complete their education in English.

Perdro Lopes said...

Well said Buyarantlomonis, we say and recite Ladins in Latin, (Ora pro nobis) why not the Mass, Latin should be and made compulsory for all Goans, be it Hindus or Muslims, just like we catholic's have to study Marathi and this baiya Hindi.

Perdro Lopes said...

I'm waiting anxiously for this fake priest to answer, this simple question should also be put to the Maha Gandu Party.

Neville said...

" You don't have children and you don't know the difficulty in bringing them up." is absolutely correct. Listen to the parents, they have the best interests of their children, not you padre

Sonia konadker said...

yes, i can understand the love for Goa and the language but, be practical guys today in this world English is very important for jobs.If Konkani or Marathi to be the medium of instruction till 4th standard then it will be very difficult for the students from 5th standard to suddenly learn a new language.I think konkani is however learn at homes as it is our mother tongue. some students if considered can easily switch on from Konkani to English but not all be able to that, so the students who cant, suffers the most. Both the language English & Konkani should be introduced at the Primary level let English be the medium of instruction & Konkani be the 2nd or 3rd language.

Mrkgz said...

Good Comments!!! Mr N.Fernandes!!!. Konkani in imposed on goans without recourse for providing JOBS for GOANS ..Imposing Konkani aganist the wishes of Goans...Time to have referrumdum for any major decision taken by 40 THEIVES BECOZ WE CANNOT TRUST THEM FOR DECISION MAKING they must only SERVE US NOT RULE US!!! BY SUCH OPPRESSION.
CAN THE GOVERMENT SHOW THEIR PURPOSE OF IMPOSING KONKANI???WHAT BENEFIT GOAN CHILDREN WILL GET ..WILL MPT OR SESA GOA or even the KAMATS GOVERMENT will provide jobs in Konkani educated lads...!!! OR IS KONKANI only for Gozali,Anti goverment Rallies, To negotiate fish price at Tinto..or to slander at the local BAR. or to explain direction to Moto cycle pilots??? or to cheer Churchills teams.,, Or rally behind Monster RAT.

Juvenkar said...

It was understood that:
The Archdiocesan Board of Education (ABE), in an official statement issued, said English should also be permitted as the medium of instruction besides Konkani, Marathi or a regional language in aided primary schools.
The ABE in its statement said that while English should be the language of instruction in schools, Konkani should be made a compulsory language, so that newer generations are in sync with their culture.
The ABE understands that and so supports the actual demand of parents, specifically with regard to aided primary schools, is that English should also be permitted as the medium of instruction, besides Konkani, Marathi/regional language, according to the parents' choice; and that Marathi/Konkani should continue as one of the compulsory subjects throughout elementary education.
Let me quote, "The Archdiocesan Board of Education has decided, after careful deliberations, that this demand is in the best interests of the Konkani language and culture; and, in the specific circumstances of Goa in 2011, it is also in the best interests of the children, especially from poorer sections."
Mr. Mousinho (a priest?).. are you affiliated to some other religious order of the Archdiocese in Goa? I am given to understand you are associated with the ill's of the society and like to write.
Request you to kindly maintain & follow requisite protocol before expressing your views in public to ensure that the same are in line with the hierarchy.

Seq_goa said...

Fr. Mousinho, I cannot understand why you are getting involved in the matter of medium of instruction. It is parent's choice. You first need to produce children and than get into this picture. You will not understand the trauma which parents are going through in this matter.


I am disturbed by the comments on priests made in the above .In our anger we tend to attack the person and forget his thoughts. We also tend to make all priests bad. What Fr. Mousinho has said is perfectly right. But my only problem is that why are there above 120 English medium primary schools allowed in GOA ?. Why should only the poor be forced to study in Konkani /Marathi medium ? OR is it Like George Orwell said" ALL MEN ARE EQUAL BUT SOME ARE MORE EQUAL THAN OTHERS ?

Domnic Menezes said...

People Posting Comments seem to be absolutely ILLITERATE. You Guys seem to be NO GOOD at academics. It probably reflects your intellect and thus your inability to cope up decently with mastering a language. It does not take years to master a Language. If one needed 10 years to master a language it would either mean you simply do not posses the necessary intelligence to master it or that the people who decided to use the language here were or are fools !!!

Mr. Shambuswamy, there is nothing wrong in knowing and speaking multiple languages, I speak more than 9 different languages.

Guys kindly get your facts right, Specially Mr. Antonio who Alleges that he studied in Marathi medium and thus cannot comprehend English today, and Mr. Nelson who seems to be from the UK.

English is NOT the fastest growing language on Earth NOR is it the largest spoken language on Earth. It does not even come 2nd or 3rd !!! Get your facts clear about English as a medium of instruction.

In every country the medium of Instruction in schools and colleges is either in their Regional / National language as the case may and / or their colonial language (English, French, Spanish, Portuguese etc.) as one language (compulsory or optional) as is the case with India and the language of English. India Happens to be a former British colony and thus it continues with its British legacy of using English as one of the medium of instruction for education. However Indians hate the British on almost every other count. Coming to the case of Goa, It was in no way ruled by any English speaking country NOR was it ruled by the British, prior to 1961 it was never a part of India (Which pre - British rule never existed as a gross entity (sovereign) or a sub sovereign state, it was only a sub - continent).

Which state in India has grants allocated for English or any other language besides their respective state languages and/ or regional languages ???

Globally English in no way tops the lists when it comes to medium of instruction. Yet there are people who seem to have got everything in their arsenal wrong.

If anyone has gone deep into the operations of a company such as AIRBUS, you will definitely be shocked out of your shell (if you think English is the SOLE global language) to find out that on the latest and the largest aircraft on Earth the AIRBUS A380, the software and drivers of several (most) components are NOT in English.

My dear friends, even if you have studied English in India its basically NOT recognized decently abroad. We are still required to take the TOEFL !!! Some African Nations are exempted from this.

Mr. Juvenkar Apparently seems to know the constitution too well as per his best knowledge. My dear friend Making the statement above is in BLATANT violation of Article 19 of the constitution of India !!! You cannot suppress any one from making whatever statement he likes on account of his links or affiliation to any body of individuals or association. Again I see his comments in no way violating any provisions of Clause 2 of Article 19 of the Constitution. You make it look as if He violated Sub - clauses (Heads) 1,2,4 and 8 of Clause 2 of Article 19 of the Constitution of India. Please consider legally educating yourself before making such statements.


Domnic Menezes said...

Mr. Antonio I studied in Konkani Medium and yet I did well at the nationals in several competitions that were exclusively in English, including 3 National Essay competitions (securing places in each one). I also secured 109 /120 in TOEFL (I aint bragging about anything over here), what did you manage that you are in the UK (Bragging about London and English) ?

Maria Ednita Fernandes said...

A to Z you are anything but "A to Z" You really missed on something if not the most!!! Are you by any chance sexually discriminating ???

Can you only see his brother ??? Doesn't he have a Sister/(s) why only brothers mann ???
You seem to hide the Ladies !!! I thought they had equal rights, dont they ???

Does she have kids who studied in English, Konkani or French medium ??? can you please enlighten us on Proper facts ??? else stop your half done work and useless work right where it is; in its tracks !!!

A to Z said...

Maria Ednita Fernandes before you jump at conclusions kindly let me know where I have discriminated the ladies. As you can see I have not said anything about them. If I have mentioned his brother, its because I know him personally and where his children have studied. It is said in konkani'PADRICHO SERMAO VONIENK NOI'. And that's what I don't like. They should practice what they preach at home. If you know his sister you can mention it on your reply. Don't act like a mad dog.I wonder if you are his k**p.

N.Fernandes-London said...

Tp Dominic Menezes:::
Your comment here reeks (smells of ) grand arrogance.Additionaly, you seem to be extremely condensending.
You seem to self-appoint yourself to be a self-proclaimed academic.
Your remark, that most people here are illeterate is a denial of your own illetracy.
I am not quite sure which academic dustbin you have gathered your facts from.
No one here has calimed that English is the fastest growing language.Chinese probably is, as far as I am aware.However as for the Goans commenting here, for them English is most practical, as it can be used or is needed in pretty much 90% of Countries.The countries where they will seek employment will also require English rather than Marathi,Konkani or Chinese.
I see nothing wrong or unjust, in Mr Antonio claming that he was educated in the Marathi medium and is now facing difficulty with English.Please do not insult Antonio.As far as I am concerned we all are not educationally equal.Some students are bright and some aren`t.That is a living fact. I doubt that all you family members or relations ars educationally "bright sparks".
I do not see what hating the English /British Legacy has got to do with speaking or learning English.
Considering your claim to be some sort of an academic, are you suggesting that all Indians hate the British?.You might might wish to explain Immigration to the UK here.Also remember , thereare millions of Indians that live in English speaking countries.
I am not sure what you are trying to explain to us illeterates here as per your definition of us,in the case of Goa.
If you havent yet, I would like to advise you kindly, that the World has changed a lot.
No one here has claimed that English tops the list of MOI in the world.Perhaps you may wish to improve some of your reading skills on the comments.
Thae people that have commented here in favour of English, have done so , as it is most favourable for them in their lives."
I think that your example of "AIRBUS" or the "AIRBUS A380,to highlight the language used for components /drivers / software is sheer stupidity.You might wish to check which Language is while operating the Plane.Airbus is a multi-National enterprise.
I do not see what Juvenars comment has got to do with the Constitution and freedom of speech.He has quite clearly discussed and commented on the ABE`s views on education.This is not an infringement of the Indian Constitution.
Better still have a Mental medical Check-up.

Mario said...

Fr.Mousinho - First of you are not a parent,secondly it is really shame on you for associating with people like Shashikala who along with her father a traitor of Goa tried to destroy Goa identity.If you love konkani soo much why were you not there to address a single Konkani meeting at the time of konkani agitations.The least I request you is instead of sowing seeds of communal hatress in our tiny Goa go to Orissa and face persons like Darasingh.

Dalia said...

@ Domnic Menezes, you sound like a real crumb eater or are you a distributor? You sound lie a paid for nothing illiterate.

Perdro Lopes said...

@Domnic Menezes

Could be / may be you have learnt and been taught the tainted history of the Union of India. That there was this brainless chacha, (For us the invader of Goa) and the Bapu the racist the father of the nation.

The original Manuel of all the AIRBUS Manuals are in the English language. The codes are not written in the Devnagiri Script but in the Latin script, which are tilting more towards the English codes, Just like DOS, "Disk Operating System" do you know what is Integrated Modular Avionics, or what is CPIOM (Core Processing Input/Output Module). This is no Marathi or Germen or French, but more in English.

The Engines or the heart is from Rolls Royce, The Board electronics are from Hamilton Sundstrand and so on.

Please don't tell this secret to nobody, What Europe is doing with the Airbus is a daylight robbery, it only assembles it in Toulouse, The R&D are distributed in and around the world. When the French and Germens come together they speak only in the English language.

I would like to know which 9 languages you speak? and how many of them you speak fluently? It 's a given fact that the first language you Study will have a big impact on you. The rest of the languages you will have drawbacks unless you speak it more then the first ones.

As Fernandes and Dalia quoted, for me you are a crook and a traitor, next you will say Goa was created by the Indians and the Indians took it rightly back. The Portuguese Language was destroyed by the Indians, These invader Indians want to impose the Marathi on us, they are still trying and fools like you protect them.

In most part of Africa there is hunger, War, Ethnic cleansing, dictatorship and famine, which was not heard when the colonial masters were taking care of them.

Europe has given a lot to the World, for e.g. Useless and brainless people were given "Cricket" to waste their time. For Smart and active people Football was given, Goa has adopted the Ghantti way of life, the uselessness and the brainless thing, In Goa we see more Cricket, more forest land being destroyed in the North of Goa for this lousy sport.

I pray you read a lot of NG articles and comment, here lies the true History of GOA.

Maria Ednita Fernandes said...

Mr. / Mrs. A-Z If you say that you know his brother and you still make uncorroborated allegations that you know where his children studied, I would like to make a mention that you know nothing more than a few names, I know that Majority of them studied in Konkani Medium. I too know them personally like the way many do, their family is pretty much lionized in society. If you however think or have any fallacy that they (Majority) have not studied in Konkani medium, please elucidate it to me as to where they studied and I will come back with substantiation and evidence for what I am orating !!! Moreover you can see only brothers and thus males... If you are so very content in animadverting ruthlessly please perpend doing a research on the family and only then animadverting incontestably.

Maria Ednita Fernandes said...

N.Fernandes-London you seem to be biased towards priests. Did you have any instance of a priest running away or eloping with your wife??? or probably your daughter, mother, grandmonther, sister, female cousins, or let us say Mistresses ???

Oh wait a second before you rile up and try a cheap shot against me !!! You senseless, brainless nincompoop, are you male in the first place, or do you belong to some rather unfamiliar sex ??? I feel you are just about a mix of a gigolo and a lady boy... You British gloat seem to be more like a burro than anything else. Moreover you are more FOOL of your self then you think and make others get the illusion that you are "FULL of YOURSELF" !!!!

Let me ask you, are you a remote sensing satellite or the moon ??? you seem to be blowing your horn away in your name name itself trying to propound that you are in London !!! do you feel ashamed to call yourself Goan ??? or do you feel that the word Goa is just short of the alphabet "t" which would have otherwise been "Goat" and thus you a member of the goat family ??? or may be you are a part of the tribal community (Kunbis or Gaudis) that feels lampooned when they speak or learn Konkani !!!

Your English seems to have more grammatical errors than proper phrases, probably you are in the theater (Tiatr) industry or a musician in London not to forget a toilet cleaner (uneducated 4 standard failed) thereby learning the so called "Barbarian English" !!!
Again you seem to devise and create languages that DO NOT EXIST on planet Earth !!! have you visited some other planet or were you paid a visit by some Aliens last month that enlightened you of some alien language ???

FYI : There is officially no known language as Chinese. If you were referring to the GROUP of languages spoken in The Peoples Republic of China you should have termed it as "Sinitic languages" or else been perspicuous in your definition. Can you clarify the language ??? I consider you to be more like a 4th grade failure so I take the privilege to make the choice objective rather than subjective. your options are :
Mandarin (one classification is Mandarin)
and many more !!! (I feel the above list covers all the foremost languages in The Peoples Republic of China)

The last stanza of your last comment reads as follows "
Better still have a Mental medical Check-up.

Does it make sense to you ????? Your English seems to have been licked by dogs and kicked my pigs.... Its high time you either seek mental asylum or start reading and learning English !!!


N.Fernandes-London said...

Hi Pedro:Well said.
What is the use of "MASTERING" 9 languages, when it cannot be applied in most "day to day" situations or "work " environments,
I also begin to wonder, where Dominic Menezes practices the 9 languages he has "MASTERED"?.
He talks about academics & illeterates.Again, what is the point of being able to read a language, if you cannot speak it "Fluently".
I personally studied French in school.Though I can read it , I can assure you I cannot speak it fluently or apply it correctly when speaking it.
I travel to Switzerland often, where I have to speak French to my friends.I only speak to them in "get by" French.
By "get by" , I mean sufficient words(and often in the wrong context or grammatically incorrect) to make them understand me.You could call this ,"speaking a sort of French, for my salvation".
Again when I travel to Goa, I can understand Konkani when it is spoken by others.However, I personally cannot speak it fluently or write it.My written Konkani (in the roman script),will have to be written phonetically.
I also learnt Swahili.That is because I was born in East Africa.However the only place I can use that language is in East Africa.Having noy used it daily and now for a very long time,it is sort of "RUSTY"
My mainstream language and the one I was educated in, and speak & write fluently is English.
In travelling to many countries,English has always existed in them in some way or another.I am yet to come across Marathi & Konkani outside Goa /Maharastra.
I respect people that can speak several languages.It is a choice they made to learn 9 languages.
But this arrogant idiot Dominic Menezes,must understand, that we are not all preveliged to such linguistic enthusiasm or gift.
I wonder how many of his own family members speak / write in 9 languages.If they do not,then they too must be academical illiterates & un-iltelligent.In Dominic`s world his family members must be a bunch of "DUFFERS"!!
On average, most people in the world speak,communicate and write, at most, in 2-3 forms of a language.
Of what practical or pragmatic use is Dominic Menezes` 9 languages ,only he knows!!...and he can rest assured,we are not interested and he can keep his 9 languages to himself or shove it up one of his body orifices (hole).

N.Fernandes-London said...

To Maria Ednita Fernandes:

Thank you for your comment and plain crazy criticism.I can only conclude from reading it that it is drug induced or a fatal mental birth flaw

Firstly it makes no sense to me at all , and I am sure it will make no sense to others.Better luck next time.
Your other comments here on Ng too, seem to lack intergrity and common sense.

This remark "EDUCATE YOURSELVES ON THE CAPACITY OF THE HUMAN BRAIN, LAW, DEMOGRAPHICS AND THE HUMAN RACE BEFORE MAKING STATEMENTS. " was made by Dominic Menezes.(see his comment).Perhaps you need to take notice of this.

I assure you,no Priests have eloped with any of my family members.However, in your delusional and paranoid world, are you suggesting Priests do not elope with anyone and that they are perfect.? In my world there are good Priests and Bad Priests.

Have you considered your own grammar and grammatical mistakes.? Have a good look at your comment.
I think my English is clearly understood by everyone here and sufficiently conveys the message or comment.It is a view /opinion I take and share, and others have a right to agree or disagree with it or them.

I would keep the specifics of the Languages spoken in China to yourself.As far as I am concerned, I am happy with my "generalisation".

Finally, I have no intention to comment further on your comment , as it is quite clear to me and I am sure to everyone else here, that you seem possessed by some evil spirit, or you are consumed by some hallucinatory journey.
Perhaps, you should continuie with you hobby of "NIT" picking!

N.Fernandes-London said...

To Dominic, Consider yourself lucky, in having the ability to master several languages.Perhaps it is a hobby for you too.Perhaps you have a romance with languges
Regretably in this world ,not everyone has such abilities.

N.Fernandes-London said...

To Maria:
You seem to have a bizzare problem with sexuality in reference to your comments.
The core of your comments seem to be hinged on sexual connotations.
On another comment to me here on NG , you again have used sexual references.
A to Z has made a perfectly understandable comment and view..
Only a fool will not understand it and going by your reply...you seem like a classical one.
I have no further doubt, that Dominic and you are purely timewasters and take pleasure in insulting people here.
I can assure I am happy & proud to be a thoroughbred Goan, to live in London & to speak English .
The problem of envy is yours .

N.Fernandes-London said...

To A to Z,
Rest assured ,Maria Ednita Fernandes comments are baseless, out of context,full of innuendo,written in "crappy" English,incomprenhensible, works of a lunatic,full of irrelevant adjectives and words,self serving,self praising,vain,jaundiced and plain stupid.

Domnic Menezes said...

Mr. Fernandes from London the great !!! If I may ask you what education or literature taught you that there exists a language called Chinese ?

N.Fernandes-London said...

To Dominic::
As you consider yourself clever or intelligent by your own standards and no one else`s,can you point out where Antonio or Myself brag about London or English.
If you have a problem or are envious about me commenting from London,make it known.
I do not see what a place,where one resides, has got to do with the comments.
Considering your intellectual limitations,would you prefer I advise people ,that I comment from Bejing,or Misarata, or Ponda, or Varca or Margao or Timbaktu?

Perdro Lopes said...

@Maria Ednita Fernandes

N. Fernandes has written a lot of Articels and comments that many of us liked, we respect him. Please say a father and 3 hailmaries, The Lord will forgive you and the priest will have you for free.

mog assundi

Micheal D said...

Well written Maria! This N.Fernandes from 'London' has long usurped a position of authority in this Niz Goenkar club. It is a pity that Menino has to work with men as uneducated and illiterate as this N.Fernandes.
Ever since this website began, all he has been doing is writing some crap and submitting it in the guise of 'contributing' to the cause.
Mr N.Fernandes: You and Bebdo, Fodya, Chedi and everyone else in your elite "club" can come and lick my boot soles. The likes of you will create a revolution in Goa? The likes of YOU????
You who has no etiquette to speak to a lady; you with your "knowledge" worth two cents or even less; you are nothing but a sycophant, ass licker and a wastrel.
It is great that a lady finally gave you what you deserved right here on this site.
Goa is better off without you to tarnish its image. Wag your tongue all you want from London. Step foot into Goa alone and God help you!

Oliver Masky said...

As a parent I want English for my children and their future family. I fought with Dr Jack Sequeira not to be a Marathi but a Goan. English may not have been my strongest language, but I still followed it together with Konkani. Every Goan may not be good in writing good, English But has a right to comment themselves in what ever way they can. And that makes them special Goans, not those that criticize them.

Domnic Menezes said...

I wonder why the fool from London (N.Fernandes-London) is so much bothered about Goa and what is happening here!!! He has run away from here to graze on greener pastures of England and thus make his home out there !!! come on he will visit the place once in a blue-moon (on vacation probably or to checkout his Mistresses or to tryout the Feni) and still have reasons to fight, crib, grumble and complain about things that are not in order or because things are not going as per his whims and fancies or the way he likes them to or just because they don't give him the feel of the Classy London or tomorrow Romantic Paris or Watery Venice??? Come on DUFF get your ass rubbing to help the society or do something good for Goa and then have a say in social issues... Stop being a satellite !!! useless ball-talker atheist that you are !!!


N.Fernandes-London said...

Thank you for your irrelevant ,most useless and envious comment;

N.Fernandes-London said...

Thank you for your irrelevant and useless comment.

N.Fernandes-London said...

Hi Pedro:
Thanks for your good advice to Maria.
Education has not helped or benefitted people like Dominic / Micheal/Maria.

N.Fernandes-London said...

You mmust consider excercising your brains a little more for an answer !

N.Fernandes-London said...

Micheal: Do you own Goa?

Maria Ednita Fernandes said...

Mr. / Mrs. N Fernandes !!! you are PROBABLY a eunuch in my view... When u cannot find a reason to reply you call things irrelevant !!! again as said above I guess you either eloped or raped a nun !!! You have NO decency, etiquette and manners !!! Again I presume you have no work to do, you just seem to comment on everything, again you make no sense !!!

Let me quote you again !!!

The last stanza of your last comment reads as follows "
Better still have a Mental medical Check-up.

IN conclusion I would you to ... "EDUCATE .....

Does that line make any decent sense ????? "I would you to" ????? is that London English or Alien English !!!
again You orate blunt Barbarian English !!! Why do you "Migrant Laborer" (from England) have so much interest in Goa ??? You just alienated this place or rather kicked it off the drain!!! so why do you want to lick garbage ??? if you say its not garbage you would have not left this place...


Domnic Menezes said...

Eunich . N Fernandes from "LUND - ON" do you own Goa ??? Have you done something for the state or its people ??? Indecent moron get your language tuned up !!!
God bless you perverted feet when they touch Goan Soil !!!


Tulshidas Shirodkar said...

It is funny to note that there are three stoogies on the scene now. Michael, Dominc, Maria (MDM trio) attacking N. Fernandes. These two seem to be inter-related among themselves and are out to disrupt the harmony. The only people who can to this is someone who has been hurt by N. Fernandes's and A to Z's writings. But still putting 2 and 2 together it results in 4 accurately that someone dejected and lost fame is out to defame N. Fernandes and A to Z. I wonder what will Michael D do to N Fernandes when he steps into Goa alone. The way he threatens it looks like he is a superman or something and that he is the ruler of Goa. Mr. Idiot Michael and your trio members, make sure that you be well prepared to harm N Fernandes and be ready for the outcome of it. Do not think that you are some one who will be let off so lightly. You also mention Bebdo briefly in your comment. I Wonder if you are Bebdo himself trying some gimmicks as you were writing the same way on Herald comments too

Alcantro Carneiro said...

A rather ugly scene is going on here. Three unsensible and irrational persons attacking a sensible and wise person like N. Fernandes. These dumb fellows looks like have come from gutters of some Indian dirty place. Stop this nonsense of yours all trimurti's of Goa.

Felix Mascarenhas said...

It does not appear to me that you are a lady but using a lady's name to talk rubbish on the forum. It is a clear that you are not a lady but impersonating one. A lady does not express herself in such filthy and dirty language. This is a forum for debate. Do not try to take undue advantage of someone letting you express yourself. You people have started getting personal. It appears that you are all three related to Fr. Mousino Athaide. So the vonio and Dher's of Pe. Athaide have started crowding here with their rubbish attack.

I request the editor to block such people who are all of a suddenly out to destroy the real debates. This is my request not to allow such rubbish comments and such rubbish people to comment here.

SnehaLata Joshi said...

I do not think that Goan ladies talk the way that stupid Maria is talking along with her Cumpars Michael and Domnic. Are you related to each other? Certainly looks like birds of same feathers in every aspect of the nature of the comments. We do not need to know more about your rubbish talk. We have know N. Fernandes for a long time and he talks only sense and not nonsense like you three idiots.

Lilygracias said...

I respect the editor Menino for giving a fair chance to everybody to talk here. That is really great no doubt. But giving such a chance to abusive and donkeys like Domnic, Maria and Michael is wrong. they are attacking people for no reason. If they are really related to Fr. Mousino, then there are so many commentators above who have commented against the priest, why are they not attacking them? why choose only Fernandes and A to Z for that? It is clear that these people are here with an agenda of theirs. This is the reason the editor should not give a fair chance to such people.

Sulaimaan Yusuf Xec said...

Allah hu Akbar !!! Being a Goan Muslim, We are different from the other Muslims in India. So firstly Please Don't club me with the rest.

I would strongly Condemn Mr. Fernandes, He seems to make no sense at all besides criticizing others. secondly many other people commenting here seem to be Mr. Fernandes itself using Proxy names.

My friend Mr. Fernandes PLEASE Respect WOMEN !!! do you have a mother ???

Would you like me insulting her ???

Again You seem to be in a foreign country I will ask you WHY are you so irritated ??? It makes no sense to me. I studied in Urdu Medium school and I will speak better English than you !!!

Allah hu Akbar !!!

Sulaimaan Yusuf Xec said...

Father. Ataide. We the Muslims of Sattari and Valpoi are with you. I can assure you 100% support of all our Muslim brothers. We love Konkani. We use it day to day. Konkani needs our support. Your Catholics defectors like Mr. Fernandes who seem to have become non religious are only trying to take revenge against priests. Some Catholics who are against priests have converted to other Dangerous sects of Christian religion that did not exist during Portuguese time.

All my brothers PLEASE respect all religious leaders like Imam, Pandit, Bhatji and Priest of all faiths.Moreover Catholic priests because they give up their family for the good of society.

Please Note I never studied English in school, But i worked for Colin Farrar for 5 and half years in Yorkshire England. I did a English course in Mumbai for 8 months and another one for 5 months. and then went abroad to work. Nothing is impossible.

Allah hu Akbar !!!

AnandDesai said...

Micheal D: I have been leaving in Goa since my birth, and fought during the Opinion poll along side Dr Jack Sequeira who is the father of Goa, if any one owns Goa it is him. Not you or me. You Maria and Dominic have targeted Mr N Fernandes for no reason at all. You have asked Fernandes to step into Goa and God help him, Goa does not belong to you,as old as I am I challenge you to meet me If you are in Goa which I doubt, Publish your address here or send it to Menino and I will step foot into your enclave. DO YOU HAVE THE GUTS OR ARE JUST MOUTH. You three sound more like crumb eaters of those that are destroying Goa.

Menino Fernandes said...

Dear Commentators,

I have been observing a personal debate here on this topic. It is fine with me and as mentioned by some commentators, I am giving all of you a fair chance. But kindly refrain from using BAD WORDS or any sort of Vulgar words which will not be tolerated.

I also request not to use inter-religious names and tricks to create a communal disharmony among the readers and commentators as this site is being read widely world wide. This is specially to inform a person who tried to comment using the name of a MUSLIM. We have muslims who are writers to this site and should not be insulted by impersonating them.

To the person who used the muslim name let me tell you that Fernandes is not commenting in anybody's names here as the comments in his favour are coming from different people from different places.

So kindly refrain from using such ideas that would create communal disharmony and attack on communities of a personal nature.

I hope my plea will be respected by each and every one of the commentators here. I like to give a fair chance to everyone to get their feelings out - be they PRO or AGAINST. Debate is a debate and not a fight. At this moment we need to be united even though fighting a debate.

So please stop using BAD WORDS, VULGAR WORDS or IMPERSONATING COMMUNITIES to debate anyone. Each one you have a right to your say.

Best regards and Happy Easter
Menino de Valpoi

Anand Desai Mopa said...

I am in Goa are you are you? Vasco is not far from me. I am there for any NIZ Goenkar member you challenge. You are three persons in One.

Diogo Fichardo said...

There are a few ant-Goan Goans with negativeness in them or are politicians paid crumb eaters. Besides corrupt Goan politicians that are being exposed here, nobody hates this site. Either we unite and fight for Goa or lose Goa.

Gurudas Lotlikar said...

It is a frustrated man pretending to be a women. The three that have attacked N. Fernandes are nothing but politicians stooges.

Diogo Fichardo said...

I too am with you time wasters must blocked from commenting on this site. Be it man or women the three attacking N Fernandes have used Un-Goan language at a fellow Goan.
Menino take note of it.

Dalia said...

Maria Ednita and Domnic must be sitting in a road side drug shack and having discussion and as nothing interests them, they remember to bash N Fernandes. They must be really doing well in the drug shack with just one compartment of their brain functioning on and off.

Perdro Lopes said...

Bab Anand, well said, these individuall are disturbing our real cause, "The Indepedence of GOA"

N.Fernandes-London said...

Dominic: Birds of the same feather flock together.
Once again thanks for your useless and irrelevant comment.
You should consider using you mental energies in Khariawaddo along with Maria and Michael or Micheal.
Micheal sould "SING" to clear his salty "PORES"

N.Fernandes-London said...

Once again, Thanks once again,for your irrelevant nonsense & Comment, & Juicy badwords.Please refer to the comment of your neighbourring villager Dominic in his comment .

N.Fernandes-London said...

I would like to thank everyone here who have noticed, that these 3 "Johnny Come latelys "Domninic,Maria & Micheal ,have been planted here to excercise & demonstrate their stupidity.
I purely took exception and objected to Dominic calling commentators here ILLITERATES in his comment and in doing so, trying to elevate himself and his linguistic and language capabilities.
He may have a unique capability of mastering 9 languages. But he should, not assume ,we all should have these capabilities.
You all have correctly concluded that these 3 people are one and the same and are part of an evil and devillish agenda.
I am sure you will all agree that when cowards cannot succeed with words, they resort to threats & violence.
Threatening me if I step foot in Goa is laughable & comical.
I am sure Micheal does not wholly own,control,manage or run Goa.So he can be assured, and also educated, that I am not treaspassing into Goa.
Goa is mine too.

Perdro Lopes said...

@Alcantro Carneiro
Trimurti. good one. If you see the Ashoka Emblem, it has 3 heads, these are the three crooks, The fourth is hidding or maybe pop up later or never..

Perdro Lopes said...

We are all with you, we know how much you have contributed in this forum, the time and energy you have spent for the Goan cause.

You are very right, Goa belongs to you, me, all born in Goa and with Goan Parents abroad, unfortunately also to the traitors who sold Goa to the Indian invaders.

But Goa does not belong to the Ghantties, Baiyas and the long life trafficking Tourist.

N.Fernandes-London said...

Thanks Pedro Lopes.
Some idiots, notably the 3, Dominic,Maria and Micheal, that have been negative and insulting to me , fail to understand the word Solidarity. It seems like knowing 9 languages has not helped either.
They can throw all the insults available in their vocabulary, in the hope of dis-lodging me, but they will not succeed.
I have many friends and relatives in Goa.In my Telephone conversations with them and during my visits to Goa, they very often express disgust at the way things are going on.At best they just cope with it, at worst they feel helpless and despondent.
I cannot single-handedly change what happens in Goa.I have never and will never claim I can.But I hope , sharing my views will help people understand, that they are not alone, and, hope this will help in a little way.
There is an English idiom which says..."A problem shared is a problem halved". This is what I feel I can best do and contribute at ths moment.
Solidarity can be expressed and shared from where ever one lives, in the world.
The threat made to me by Micheal ,if I step into Goa is purely "hot air" coming out of his mouth or a waste of keystrokes on his computer keypad.Only cowards speak like this.
I can assure you,that there is a person , who previously contributed here and no longer does so,with very devious intentions, that is using these 3 proxies, Micheal,Maria & Dominic to further his cause and derail Niz Goenkar.He is unlikely to succeed as we are not his "puppets".
I will continue to do what I do, in the hope, that it will bring about change in Goa for the better of one and all.
Keep up the good work and contributions you make.

Perdro Lopes said...

Thank you, There is this "raimundo" who is trying to irritate me.


Salvador Seraulim said...

Well said Pedro three heads are: Hear evil, see evil and speak evil. the fourth is their body. .

Neville said...

Shit, Maria, you outsmart men in utilizing foul language, your husband should be proud of you!!!! Whatever happened to womanhood?

N.Fernandes-London said...

You may be right.
There are 2 shacks located in Murmagoa /Vasco /Chicalim/ Cortalim area and another in the Pacific rim area, a country just south of Malaysia.It is famous for its "container port,and has the famous SP Jain Center of Management.

N.Fernandes-London said...

Hi Anand:
Dont worry.Just for the benefit of this fake & artificial Goan Thug,goonda and layabout calling himself Micheal D, I will wear some flowers in my hair for him, since he pretends to recognise and know me well.!!
We all know that "Actions speaks louder than words".So this will be a good test of his senses & capabilities.
I will do this after my Flight from Singapore,where I will be visiting the SP JAIN College of Business Studies.
I am sure he will be camped outside Dabolim Airport or has already set up a camp to greet me on arrival.

Anand Desai Mopa said...

When it comes to issues regarding Goa and Goans we will always be there. Anyone that supports causes of Goa and Goans will always be supported by like minded persons. It is vital to Fight for Goa and make English and Konkani in Roman Script as part of our life. We will have passed this world knowing we stood up for the cause.
The mindless few can go and hang themselves, if they are shy I can help them the because they are not the keepers of Goa.

Diogo Fichardo said...

Don't forget the Margao one.

Gurudas Lotlikar Margao said...

Anand I too will be there to support you, I am back from Singapore on Saturday, then we can deal with the three enemies (or same person masquerading as three) of Goans. Let us see whose perverted feet they will break. If Goa belongs to them let them come out publicly and put a claim to it, the rest will be history.

Salvador Seraulim said...

Sir Anand you can count on me at your side, you have done your part for Goa.

Buyarantlomonis said...

Oh My God - this topic is still alive Hummm .Mr Domnick .. Going in for TOEFL U did a mistake. Mr. Sardinha must have corrected your Essay papers, thats how U Excelled or better than him the uneducated & uncivilized Goa Education Minister.

Buyarantlomonis said...

Ms Maria must have been Mr Mario before... Please Ignore here comments

Buyarantlomonis said...

Mr Domnick . from where Chinese came in the picture. now don't tel me that U Excelled in Chinese also. I guess U have got two xtra brains , the xtra two hanging below your belly.

Buyarantlomonis said...

Pedro bab ... this guy knows Chinese also. probably he was born when Nehru tried to negotiate with china

Buyarantlomonis said...

Mr Domnick & Micheal.... Because of chuuuts like U Goans are suffering. U both R great

Buyarantlomonis said...

Domnick grapes are always sour when U don t get them. R U jealous. U can fill your bank with the assistance of Ali Baba & his forting theives

Wilbur , Arizona said...

Translation ;)
Oh Fr. Mousinho, sinche when did yo started writing and reding in devnagri? go and tel de bishop to translate al christian doctrins in devnagri konkani so ya understand them vel

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