Chief Minister, Digamber Kamat on 22nd of march 2011 has declared in the august Legislative Assembly that he will seriously pursue the issue of grant of special status for the state for Goa. This is significant milestone in the history of this state. However, while pursuing the grant of special status to the state of Goa, it is more important and easily implementable and achievable that the Chief Minister take speedy steps to protect and grant special status to the people of GOAN ANCESTRY as differentiated from people who currently reside in Goa.
Last week, the press had highlighted how the municipality of Mapusa and the Panchayat of Assagao were fighting with each other to claim jurisdiction over a locality which has been named “Fukat-nagar.” By definition this is Goan land which has been grabbed by encroachers and it is a blot on this state that Goa is dotted with Fukat-nagars in Assagao, Mapusa, St Inez, Margao, Sancoale, Dabolim, Mangor, New Vaddem and many many more. It is also suspected that many migrants flock to Goa because the word has gone out that there are many “FUKAT” benefits up for grabs in Goa: free land, medical facilities support schemes, cheques, and so on.
These days government is on a spree of declaring schemes and handing out Goan Taxpayers money under DHSS scheme, unemployment dole, cheques to vendors, motocycle pilots etc. Already it has been established that close to 20,000 of the recipients of the DHSS pension scheme were granted to persons who do not meet the eligibility criteria. . There must be many more falling into those criteria. Some one should have been held accountable and liable for this diversion of tax payers’ money. None have been. An analysis of the beneficiaries of the DHSS scheme may reveal that a large percentage of the beneficiaries are not of Goan ancestry. The same would apply to the beneficiaries who were handed out cheques in the vendors & motorcycle pilot scheme.
In the financial budget 2011-12 presented by the chief minister, he has proposed to give unemployment dole to the unemployed on the employment exchange roster.
It is a well know fact, that at least some if not many of the names on the Employment exchange are of persons who are not resident in Goa and certainly not of Goan ancestry, and who, through underhand means, have succeeded in enrolling themselves on the Goa employment exchange. Should these be rewarded with doles?
Therefore while pursuing the laudable aim of achieving special status for Goa, which is at the discretion of the centre, the Chief minister must take immediate steps to ensure that his Government schemes floated for the benefit of the Goan people must be made applicable only to people of proven Goan Ancestry.
In making Goan Ancestry the first criterion for eligibility of the welfare scheme declared for the benefit of the Goan people, the Chief Minister will have achieved 50% of the goal of arranging special status for true Goans.
It is easy to say that you will do something, but he needs to prove it by doing it. Is it just another ploy to win another term as CM? He chose to align himself with one of the biggest 'NAGAR' creation with the MEGA project of Mr CHORchill and his the Raja project. I wouldn't trust these people. Delhi is not going to give in easily to giving Special Status for us Goans, remember these politicians work for Delhi. They are only making these empty promises as they see a tide is rising with the GRA movement. Vote them out and let us get Special Status without these clowns. They work for Delhi......
Cowmuth's report card says - NON PERFORMANCE- Period.
Charity begins at home and that how we should be, looking after our own. Fukat Nagars should be turned into "No More Nagars".
Elections are not far off that is the reason to make more false promises by the current Ministers. Do not believe in them.
This what is written is very much the truth! All types of benefits, aids, doles, schemes, etc., etc., are all to fool GOANS. They go only to benefit the MIGRANTS. Take the example of census of 'Schedule castes & tribes'. Are our Goans included? Or are migrants filling up the list? Who do you see in Goa getting JOBS under the Schedule caste Quota? Who do you see in government hospitals including Goa Medical Hospital getting free treatment at the cost of Goan tax payers? Who do you see sweeping the roads in Municipalities who receive all benefits of government employees? Our Goans slog it out; whereas you watch these migrant government employees. They have started businesses; and have sub-let their jobs of sweeping the roads to others migrants on daily basis.
Goans need to wake up! And demand all benefits to people of Goan Ancestry.
Goans are not here to pay tax for migrants to have a good time in Goa in return to voting scoundrels to power.
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