CHALO AZAD MAIDAN by Joel Morais, Cuncolim

The elected government is working day and night to get Goa ruined and the last five years was really worst for Goa and Goemkars.Now the Education bosses in Goa have plans to ruin the future of our innocent children by forcibly throwing ugly education policies on our children.Let us gather in large numbers at Azad Miadan today and show the elected government that their ugly Education policies will never be entertained at any cost.
Goemchea Saiba,save our innocent children!
Chalo Azad Maidan on the 21st of March to show support to our cause, to save our children from the clutches of uneducated politicians. To FREE them from the bounds of dictats of the Education department who wants to impose their will on our children and keep them imprisoned int he classrooms for the full day. This is a call to join the public meeting at Azad maidan on 21st March at 2.30 pm by All Goa Unaided School Parents Association (AGUSPA). Let us tell the illiterates to educate themselves rather than telling us how our children should study.


Vicente E. Do Rego said...

This is how most corrupt and Ghanti controlled Congress from Delhi rules over us. Every time they bring stupid non-beneficiall policies and force the people to come on street. Who are they to tell us what education our children should have?.And who is Parrikar to tell us to have konkani/marathi medium When he himselve sends hi son to US for further education. It is non of their business and there is no question of discussion on MOI, right away they should start with English as MOI from next academic year. When they themselves send their wards in most expensive English medium schools.

Ozone said...

A call given by Joel is just for the future of our children. The descriptions provided of our education minister is much lesser, add goonda, criminal, father of a rapist, a associate of sex scandal, etc are missing. Can someone provide more?

renoir said...

Its the parents who have the right to determine what 's good for their offspring's and no one else. A shame that those who make educational policies out illiterates themselves, who will not be fit even to pass a basic IQ test.
Let todays meeting sound the drums loud and clear that it is the Parents to make the call and not the illiterate holders of power. Just a reminder to all parents......The politicians " EACH & EVERYONE" of them ensured that their kids were educated in English medium schools.Can any Politician answer as to why? This is food for thought,dont forget.. Good luck fellow parents.!

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