PANJIM: The Goa State Police Complaints Authority will on 19th Oct hear the complaint filed by Adv. Aires Rodrigues against the three police Inspectors who had handled the complaint against Goa’s Health Mr. Vishwajit Rane in the threat to kill case.
Adv. Aires Rodrigues has in his complaint before the Goa State Police Complaints Authority stated that Old Goa Police Inspector Mr. Francisco Corte and then Old Goa Police Inspectors Mr. Vishwesh Karpe and Mr. Gurudas Gawade had grossly misconducted themselves, abused their authority and acted malafidely to protect the accused Minister Mr. Vishwajit Rane.
Adv. Rodrigues has submitted that though the complaint against Health Minister Mr. Vishwajit Rane was filed on 31st July 2007, that the then Old Goa Police Inspector Mr. Vishwesh Karpe registered the F.I.R only 22 days later.
Adv. Rodrigues has stated that later though the then Old Goa Police Inspector Gurudas Gawade had on 23rd August 2008 given an undertaking to the High Court that Mr. Vishwajit Rane would be charge sheeted, yet on 30th December 2008 Inspector Gawade filed a report before the JMFC, Panaji to try and close the case against the Health Minister.
Adv. Rodrigues has in his complaint further stated that when the Panaji JMFC issued summons to Mr. Vishwajit Rane to remain present in court, that Inspector Gawade returned the summons back to the JMFC after a month stating that the accused Health Minister Mr. Vishwajit Rane could not be found.
Adv. Rodrigues has stated that on 21st July 2010 the High Court had directed the Old Goa police to proceed in the case against Mr. Vishwajit Rane under Sec 155 of Criminal Procedure Code but that on 7th August 2010 the current Old Goa Police Inspector Francisco Corte registered a non-cognizable case against the accused Mr. Vishwajit Rane and instead of seeking orders of the Magistrate to proceed with the case Inspector Corte had asked him (Rodrigues) to approach the Court.
Adv. Rodrigues has stated that it was very evident that over the last three years the Old Goa Police Inspectors have gone out of the way to shield and protect Health Minister Mr. Vishwajit Rane from facing criminal prosecution.
Adv. Rodrigues has also submitted that the Police had failed to ensure that the law has to be the same for all and that nobody can be above the law.
The four member Goa State Police Complaints Authority headed by Justice Eurico Da Silva, a retired Judge of the Bombay High Court has been set up under the directions of the Supreme Court and is empowered to look into all allegations of any police misconduct. The authority has the power to either recommend departmental action or criminal proceedings against erring police officers.


Balaji Gauns said...

If the police can play games with an eminent lawyer like Aires Rodrigues, only God can save the common man! There are cases of murderers going scot free only because of the policeman's loayalty to the mighty and the powerful ones. The tragedy today is that even the media persons beahave just like the 'police'!

Anonymous said...

The police are the puppets and the ministers are the puppeteers.

Police machinery is an industry run by the corrupt electives at the helm. The Indian police, leave alone Goa are there to intimidate and bulldoze the likes of Adv. Aires and others and ritualistically serve and protect the corrupt illiterates ruling the country.

The Celtic type tunes are a must with these corrupt ministers if police aspirations are to be a reality.

dlp said...

Balaji Gauns and johnads (as always), nothing to beat your comments. We all have become puppets of these so-called puppetiers unless we snipp off the strings and be on our own. On our own, own, own, as Niz Goenkars!!

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