PANJIM: Additional security approved for the Home Minister Ravi Naik in May could not be provided due to staff shortage said Goa Police. Police spokesperson Mr. Atmaram Deshpande, SP Special Branch, said that staff shortage was one of the main reasons why enhanced security could not be furnished to the minister for four months.
Roy Nai
“We have manpower issues. Goa police is going under severe crisis of manpower. The availability issue is one of the reasons why security cover enhanced to home minister was prolonged,” he told reporters at a press conference.  Naik was provided enhanced security cover only in September in view of the threat to his sons and family as per the Goa intelligence.
The security threat was disclosed during interrogation of pistol-wielding chief Michael Fernandes of giving contract to one Joe Boy to kill Naik’s son Roy.
Following this, both his son’s Ritesh and Roy are also provided security. Boy is still at large managed to give the police a slip before they could reach him. A police team who was dispatched to Mumbai to search him returned back empty handed.
Deshpande said that Michael is being interrogated to gather more details.  The officer said that the department is in utter need of additional force owing to growing responsibilities. “Responsibilities and requirements are growing more and more. We are taking up additional job making sure that we are doing a decent job,” he said.
So far the reaction of the public has been of anger due to the additional security provided for the sons of the Home Minister. One question asked by the public frequently is why such security is not provided to the other citizens who are threatened too.


diogofichardo said...

What is wrong with these people? They have enough money to provide security for themselves with their ill gotten wealth. If they are honest and innocent what are they worried about?
Shortage of Police?? The price of recruitment for police must have gone to high, to get candidates to join the force.

Dalia said...

This is the new norm of Goa government, provide security to the criminals and let the chor people be on the prowl.

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