Crime Branch PI Sunita Sawant was directed on Tuesday by the Bombay High Court to clear the objections raised by the court registry in the revision petition filed by her challenging the acquittal of Aires Rodrigues, the Ribandar activist in 2004 in the Ribandar Church case.
She has been given 10 days, by Justice N. A. Britto, to reply to the objection which argued that the revision should have been filed by her and presented by the public prosecutor on behalf of the State.
It was a clear indication of failure by the PI Sunita Sawant to prove her authorization by the government to file the revision in the said case. The PI totally disregarded the Court today with utter disrespect as she neither stood up nor came forward when her matter was called out in the court.
Adv. Aires Rodrigies said that the judge in his order recorded that PI Sunita Sawant was not present in the court. However she was seen sitting in the Court and yet did not stand up or come forward when her matter was called out.
Presently the case is being investigated by PSI Mahale, but the revision petition has been drafted by PI Sawant even though there is nothing on record that shows that the case has been transferred to her. Adv Rodrigues and 14 other residents were indicted in the Ribadar case wherein the former led an agitation at Ribandar Church premise demanding action against the then Ribandar Parish Priest Fr Newton Rodrigues for allegedly molesting a minor girl from the same village. Adv Rodrigues was however acquitted, which is being contested by the investigating agency.


Dalia said...

Come on Sunita, you have to favor Rane, another big chor of Goa, bigger than his father. What Ranes enjoy in Sattari is the loot from the people, Sattari is still kept like Bihar and father son duo is like Laloo and Rabri. Anything against Aires must favor Ranes. Atleast in this case, try to improve your competence.

dlp said...

How I wish there were more Menino's in Sattari than the Ranes. Rane is some kind of fish that even I hate ton look at, leave alone eat it.

Felix Mascarenhas said...

People like Menino and the others on this forum do better opposition than the present opposition in the Assembly. It is because of people like these that there is an awakening caused of is getting caused in Goa. The opposition are doing it to get back to power or for the greed for power but you people are doing it out of love for Goa and the Goans. You people are doing a better job now without being in the politics. Keep it up.

dlp said...

Felix.... Let's not say "You People". Let's be "US" and if we are going to be "us" we can get rid of all that is going on around us. We are so lucky to have a solid foundation stone like Menino de Valpoi. I am already thinking of "Niz Goenkar" being us and not Menino's, but at the same time all credit should go to him for waking us up from our deep slumber. Wake up others and let us form a family of Niz Goenkars. Viva Niz Goenkar and God Bless Menino.

Dalia said...

Felix, one need not be a politician to do social service or create awakening as you and we all agree. There are thousand good people who do good everyday for the sake of mankind and love for motherland. Politicians act good for publicity, to get business and get elected again and again. politics is the best business presently to make illegal bucks and get protected by the law.

Joe Rebello said...

This lady is a flop investigator. Take the case of Nadia Torrado, where the investigation is incompetent. The next one from Crime Branch is the crook Chandrakant Salgaonkar, who is shrewd manipulator. Crime branch is full of incompetents and crooks and corrupts Salgaonkar being the number one and is also a number one womaniser. He played porno games with the Mapusa prostitutes.

diogofichardo said...

When one looks at the situation in Goa keeping quiet just makes it worse. There are those in Goa that are disheartened and need support. At this moment in time we can lend our support, Like supporting A coconut tree so it does not fall. Thanks to NIZ GOENKARS we can voice our support. Unity is power.

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