MENTALITY EXPOSED - By Praxy Fernandes, Sanquelim

We Goans are so hell bent in protecting the Rapist and flamboyant criminals with our mindless and irrational insights that we make generally land up making the rape victim a criminal and in doing so we very much forget the helpless victim is the one who actually need to be consoled for having to undergo endless miseries and sufferings. Over the last year we have heard through the media our politicians as well as our enlightened Goans giving different statements in defense of the rapist, some of which are mentioned below, a stark reality reflecting the sickening mentality of our Goan people and the degradation of our society:

According to our aam aadmi Chief Minister of Goa, females who roam at night cannot be protected by law enforcement agencies and so are eligible to become a prey of flesh-starving, mentally sick men, prowling around. I hope Mahanand is listening as he can defend himself very easily. To our young Goan brigands who already are into drugs and other petty crimes, here’s another easy way of lifestyle to you people - In Goa the ‘Freedom of ex-pression’ has been
replaced byRight to Rape!’

Our beloved Home Minister thinks women are smartly marketing themselves to be raped by wearing dupattas; seriously if Peter Drucker was around today he would make a beeline alongwith other marketing gurus to seek the ministers’ guidance in rewriting marketing programmes to promote Tourism in Goa.

Our most vocal Rajya Sabha MP who is a qualified law graduate and probably wants to enact new laws to suit his thinking, makes it clear that female foreigners should not entice men by wandering out on Goan roads at nights. So very true Mr. MP; our Goan roads are so dark at nights that the white skin glows so easily and our ‘Thing’ starts getting wet, then our minds wander dirtier followed by our bodies shivering with erotic desires. Anyway the culprit is languising in jail and his opponent who won the election against him and who took all the right interest to bring the culprit to justice is following him through his own ways of raping and having as many wives and disposing them if they become any hindrance.

Some concerned gentleman from Verna, Mr. Jeremias Albuquerque sometime back expressing his views in Herald dt 26th Dec, insists female foreigners should have CHAPERONES to move out on Goan roads. Should he not be joining hands with our home minister to mushroom more private colleges in Goa so they can train our young men and promote them as ‘NIGHT ESCORTS’? I compliment you guys for developing new marketing strategies. Wonder why our Tourism department is not taking in any initiatives when so much is at stake. Then Goa will not become a rape capital as police will be around to hound you and make you cry to attract sympathy from female supporters.

There is another politician from South Goa who probably thinks rape must be some kind of tsunami in our men, young or old. Ofcourse he is in such a hurry to do so many good things for our his own people from Karwar and Joida that the word ‘tsunami’ comes in very handy for him to overcome all obstacles in his quest to build roads, bridges where not required, water supply network even though Goans still continue to suffer water shortages. And now the the Rahejas filled his pockets becuase of which the Goans have started squealing like pigs, which may be due to the fact that this minister didnt know the languages have script and so agreed to konkani in devnagiri. Then some self styled flamboyant ex-minister blew the lid on the excise scams and the alleged involvement of some minsiters' son in drug trade in Goa that he forgot to cover his own pitfalls and eventually got jailed for his libido mis-adventures and now his women supporters cannot digest not to have him with them. I dont know how many females can be satisified by one person but surely money power has attracted a lot of male supporters who I have been told will suffer as there will be no complimentary food and alcohol atleast for some time. Surprisingly the ex-minister has ardent Goan supporter even in Dubai who is so fanatically loyal that he tells everybody else not to get involved, the reason being the family members of the deceased are themselves not interested in knowing the truth of what happened to one of their very own.

Our police department has completely given a new dimension to rape. A taxi driver can barter the taxi fare by asking for sexual gratification even if he increases the fare later on, as per his whims and fancies. I wish such bartering were permitted world over, wouldn’t the charter flights be always full. Also who says is it easy for our police to nab powerful!!! politicians who think they have have the freedom to have sex with anyone he wants, Why is there any law to stop them?

Come on my fellow Goans, where has your wisdom disappeared. When will you learn to respect the human form our almighty has given us, love it but please don’t lust it. Please change your mindsets. I know some teachers wont mind having an un-marital son-in-law provided he is rich and baldy, they will even allow their daughters to use ratol as toothpaste and make NGOs a scapegoat for getting involved in wanting to know the truth. The world is having a good laugh at our expense not because of the publicity to rapes but due to our foolish and hypocritical mindset. In Goa each and every Goan has his own ways of thinking. In doing so the Russians, Israelis, Nepalis, Bangladeshis and Non-Goan Indians right from Kashmir to Kanya kumari have all taken advantage of our stupidity and surrounded our houses with their shanties and business ventures while we Goans are left staring and cursing each other for lack of like-mindedness. Our foolishness has helped migrants occupy top government positions to victimise us Goans, the robbers and criminals are prospering with the help of our police who are only interested in casinos and belly dancers, and the politicians are mining our chastity, whatever left of us. Just after our liberation when Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru tried asking us Goans if we wanted some kind of identity for the state, all ten Goans who were present for the meeting gave came up with ten different views which bamboozled Nehru so much that he remarked ‘Goa ke log azib hai’. No wonder some people even tried to take advantage of our individual differences and merge us with Maharashtra for their own selfish interests
but thankfully by the Grace of GOEMCHO SAIB that did no happen. Nevertheless, it’s not too late to do a rethink and start afresh. I hope my fellow Goans decide to keep individual opinions to themselves and come together for a better Goa. To start with we should immediately get rid of the present political dispensation and rein in people who have Goa’s interest deep at heart and if elected should be satisfied with the salary only. We should force amendment which allows voting only by Goans whose names are registered in Goa’s Birth Registrars starting as on 19th December 1961 and subsequently as the offsprings of these Goans. For those not presently in the state postal ballot should be allowed and should be accounted for while counting the votes.


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