It's really bad, sad and a matter of deep concern that our one time very beautiful state of Goa, the so called Rome of the East is witnessing all kind of ugly incidents. In the past we lived as Goenkars but in recent times we are in the news for fighting among ourselves in the name of religion and caste when there is a desperate need to unitedly fight against internal and external mafias who are ruining our beautiful green state.
There is one time, the so called peaceful state hardly use to witness a murder in a year but in recent times, peace of Goa has been lost in the name of ugly incidents like communal riots at Curchorem, blast at Margao, migrant domination, illegal mining and the fresh ugly incident in my neighbouring Balli. The last 10 years could be considered as the worst years in the history for Goa though the government speaks out of development. Goa changed from green to grey and what we witness is destruction, not development and till today we have failed to understand the difference.
We can't afford to fight in the name of religion or caste and gets divided among ourselves. There is nothing what is called as caste in Goa, the politicians are known for instigating innocents in the name of same specially when we are close to Elections. At no cost we can afford to lose innocent young lives in fighting for ugly issues. Ugly people are known for ugly plans. If we fight among ourselves the line will be clear for Politicians to finish our Mai Goa for all.
Viva Goa!


Gobor said...

I f charity begins at home, Joel, how about rooting out the caste system in Cuncolim first. Caste discrimination is predominant there  since ages. Who should do what in the church and who is not allowed where etc, etc, etc. Even a dead person was exhumed from the Cuncolim cemetery and then burried  in the caste-indifferent village of Navelim.

Anand Desai Mopa said...

As long as we keep voting the same persons to power Gao will never change. Unitedly we need to regroup as our ancestors did and fight to have  better candidates to take us to a better future. We can do and have to do it. The congress, BJP or the MGP well not save Goa from destruction and communal hatred.

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