PANJIM: Goa Chief Minister Digambar Kamat has said that no teacher would be rendered jobless due to the changed Medium of Instruction (MOI) policy, which now allows English along with Konkani and Marathi as a MOI. Kamat allayed the fear that there would be surplus teachers, as Konkani and Marathi medium schools would switch to English.
"All the teachers in the existing Marathi and Konkani primary schools can teach English. Gone are the days when primary teachers were just 10th passed in Konkani or Marathi medium. The teachers now pass their tenth exam in English," Kamat reasoned.
Kamat said that the schools where the number of students was too small would be turned into a cluster. "We have formed a monitoring committee which will look into all these issues," he said.
Meanwhile, the government is drawing flak for making English as an additional MOI. Organisations such as Bharatiya Bhasha Suraksha Manch (BBSM) have threatened statewide agitation, if government does not reverse the decision. – PTI
So parents dont be too happy about the decision on MOI. Be prepared for a heavy dose of red english to be administered to your kids.
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