Today, 26th May 2011 Goa made history because the Spirituality of God that existed hitherto was obliterated. While silent, complacent and peaceful Goans lost 2 innocent lives due to the catastrophic consequences of mining, the victory on MoI revered 2 individuals namely Digambar Kamat and Churchill Alemao who were glorified by more than a million Goans and outsiders residing in Goa.
They wielded such a tremendous influence that majority of highly educated and rational people as well as many known kleptomaniacs ranging from every village panchayat to PTA, sports clubs, ex-MLAs and self styled social activists rushed to show their appreciation with their names on record for future favours but unfortunately for many of them, the newspapers ran out of space and these people might miss all the goodies and gifts during elections if they don’t do it sooner or later as my true friends Benedict Labrador and Simon Quataros D’Silva confided hesitantly but very honestly to me.
No body paid any heed to the dead, the sick and the departed nor to the unity displayed by Team FORCE whose sacrifices and persistence gave the final victory for English and brought the kingmakers on to their knees. In the end the experienced kingmakers were smarter than everyone including their bete-noires from other political class and so over shadowed them to emerge as Leaders of the Masses with abundant blessing from the Delhi dare devils.
Although Churchill and Digambar have been in various ministeries for so many years for “N” number of times, this time they were very successful in providing the much awaited decision as a beautiful present to the current electorate before the tide could develop into a large scale tsunami type tidal wave. And while some consider them leaders of masses, today’s incident of glorification elevated them to near God who have heard the prayers of the anguished parents concerned about their children’s future. While this incident will see some resentment among the religious heads, I too expect the number of devotees visiting Mosques, Temples and Churches to drop drastically because Goans will be witness to new the birth of new saviours.
The communist revolution of Russia in 1917 destroyed and tore down many churches and religious institutions but I hope these fundamentalist and fanatic people who have found new Gods will not destroy Goa’s rich heritage of temples and churches that have lasted for many centuries. While no servant or “Kiriad” can serve two masters since he will be loyal to one and hate the other, there will be interesting questions that they will be anxious to know about who among the two is more superior and the real ruler because Goa has witnessed many groups of G7, G8 and so one. In secret classified documents available from the great American FIFB and ACIA author Dan Brown there are more revelations of another parallel Higher Command of Angels and Demons remote controlling from the corrupt capital of the world. I only hope and pray to my true living, existing and invisible God that he will give foresight to these ignorant Goans to come out of their cocoon and pursue strategies conducive, sustainable and feasible for the prosperity and development of the native Goans and their future generations.


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