QUEPEM: It was express and quick delivery of a cheque of Rs 5 Lakh. A special service was pressed into action by Goa police to pacify the bereaved family of Solemon Bosco who was killed instantly after being hit by a overspeeding mining truck. The SP South Tony Mageidon Fernandes and another police official Rohidas Patre personally went to the house of the deceased to hand over the cheque at Sulcorna.
The amount of the cheque was paid by the mining company where the truck was plying to transport the ore. “The driver was on his way to Shivsaram mines on the fateful morning as well,” the SP said.
The relatives of the victim refused to accept the cheque, but the police went to the house of the victim at Sulcorna and managed to convince the family of Solemon who later accepted the cheque
The locals were very angry and one of them said “Look at the speed in which the mining company issued the compensation amount and used the best courier service at their disposal.”
The police led by SP Tony, approached the Salesian Priests of Don Bosco, who accompanied them to the house of the victim and the cheque was handed over to the family in the presence of the priests.
An offence against the truck driver Mohan Bablo Naik, a resident of Curchorem has been registered for rash and negligent driving and was later arrested. The panchanama was conducted and the body has been sent for postmortem. The vehicles involved in the accident have been attached under the panchanama pending further enquiry into the accident.
Show me a cop and I'll spit on his face. He can then book me under anti-spitting Act.
The two Couriers SP South and another Police official must
have got the equal amount of their share from the Mining Company to hand over
the cheque to the deceased family. This SP South will never do his job unless
he gets his Share that I know very well. He is supported by the Ex MLA of
Benaulim for the next Assembly election in Cuncolim. The total corrupt
leader will be 41 now.
and how much was his cut in this deal?
Money cant bring Solemon Bosco's life back. So how money can help? Money is not bigger than his life.
Kick out the corrupt congress from Goa in the next assemly election and then only the Goans will be able to stop the mining in Goa. Most of the mines are illegal and owned by the congress politician. The toad of margao is holding the mining potfolio and should be hanged for allowing rampant mining putting the people's life in danger. Hang the toad along with 39 donkeys then Goa will be a safe place to live in .
Hang the toad of margao along with 39 donkeys then Goa will be a safe place to live in. The toad is holding the mining potfolio and allowing rampant mining in Goa will effects lots of Goan life.
500,000 Invader Indian rupees, life is so cheap, in this case in 20, million invader rupess is the worth for the 40 chors, if they would all come under a mining truck or thier kins.
The Goa police makes me laugh. They all look like mama in their outfit. The mining must be stopped permanently and never allowed to be opened again.
Rs. 5 Lakhs for a life.Must be crazy.
Lets hope the family sue the mining company for more.
Anyone knows the age of the victim and if he was the bread winner?
They must be preparing for the Goa Olympics or the Lusofonia games to be held in Goa.
The beat my Pizza delivery man for speed,I must say
SP Tony Ferrnandes is a pimp .Let the pimp kill Digandu Kamat or his wife than I'm ready to compensate by 6 lakhs of rupees. The people of Goa should come to their senses and start thrashing the police and politicans.
These two police officers must have got their pay-off in double plus a name to fame for playing this game of Quickest Couriers. They are the Quickest Crooks. Let's see what happens to the truck driver. He will be acquitted very soon and scott free to kill someone else.
What was the cops commission? without something you get nothing out of them.
That is only a small amount for a life taken by the mining truck. It did nit need police escort to guard a small amount. Sue the mining company for more money.
Well asked question.They will not do anything without something.
Why cant our politician share this amount themselves and stop mining..............
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