PANJIM: The Chief Minister, Mr Digambar Kamat On Tuesday said that the government would fight for obtaining special status for the state from the central government so as to protect the state’s unique identity. Replying to various issues raised by the members of the House during discussion on demands for various departments held by him including Town and Country Planning, vigilance, general administration and co-ordination, etc the Chief Minister said that the issue of special status would be taken up with the central authorities.
The Chief Minister said that the surface utilisation plans of five talukas have been meticulously planned taking into consideration the requirement of the local population, past changes made through notifications, etc and the suggestions from individuals, panchayats, etc.
Mr Kamat also told the House that the Lok Ayukta Bill passed by the state assembly but returned by the Union Home Ministry with suggestions to amend some of the provisions in it, would be withdrawn by the government and new bill incorporating the suggested changes would be introduced by the end of the session.
He also said that his government has been making efforts to strengthen the vigilance department but not many state officials were coming forward to serve in the department for various reasons, including pressure from the people known to them or their relations for going soft on the people accused of wrongdoings. He, however, said that some officers have now shown willingness to work in the department and would be drafted.
Dealing on the issue of International Film Festival of India, the Chief Minister said that the state could not break away from the central government agencies as IFFI was a national festival and not Goa’s own. He said that demand of the directorate of film festival to set up a bigger theatre to host opening and closing ceremonies would be met. He further said that IFFI has been becoming popular globally with 64 nations participating in the last festival and added that despite lots of problems the authorities have been able to hold the event successfully. He also said that the room rent in Goa Niwas, New Delhi would be revised.
Earlier, the leader of the opposition, Mr Manohar Parrikar told the House that the vigilance department has become almost defunct and accused the Chief Minister of being responsible for it by being too accommodative of the requests for being lenient. "He does not want to hurt anybody," said Mr Parrikar. He urged the Chief Minister to take firm action on corruption charge and called for bringing the Lok Ayukta Bill.
He also said that IFFI has been deteriorating over the years and went on to add that if the DFF was a stumbling block in hosting of the event in a better way, then the state should not sign memorandum of understanding with them. He also said that state should play bigger role in hosting the event. Mr Parrikar said that building regulations needed to be revised.
The Deputy Speaker, Mr Mauvin Godinho said that the Chief Minister should be more affirmative now and provide better administration to the people, even as he urged action against those involved in corruption. He also urged the government not to allow the medium of instruction issue to gain political momentum.
Mr Damodar Naik raised the issue of striking government employees and urged the Chief Minister to give them their dues. He also wanted to know whether the vigilance department was functioning or not. He further said that the government should probe whether there was any link between the promoters of Aldeia de Goa and wanted criminals.
Mr Francisco Xavier Pacheco pointed out that huge chunks of land in the talukas whose surface utilisation plans have been notified have been bought by non-Goans and urged the government to probe the deals. He also said that most of the constructions carried out in the state were not up to the approved specifications.
Mr Ramesh Tawadkar pointed out that the suggestions made by the people were not incorporated while finalising the plan for Canacona while Mr Dayanand Narvekar wanted to know when the Lok Ayukta Bill would be tabled even as he questioned the functioning of the vigilance department.
Mr Francis D’Souza wanted the government to bring in accountability in the functioning of the government. Mr Pandurang Dhavalikar wanted to know what steps government would take to protect the eco-sensitive zones notified in the Regional Plan 2021. Mr Laxmikant Parsekar told the House that large chunks of land have been notified as settlement land in Paliem village of Mandrem constituency.
Ms Victoria Fernandes told the government to take comments of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India seriously and take necessary corrective steps. Mr Mahadev Naik urged the government to decide on issue of providing employment to the relatives of those government servants who died while in service or on duty. Mr Chandrakant Kavlekar and Mr Aleixo Reginaldo Lourenco also participated in the discussion.
Sancho Panja said that the government would fight for obtaining special status for the state from the central government so as to protect state's unique identity.The medicine which GRA given to him on 15th March at Panjim is having effect on him.
Well Cowmuth go on making promises that you and your gang will never keep. After you receive suitcase of money under the table like the smuggler Churchill Alemao of Varca, you will betray the Goans like Chorchill did for the Mopa cause. You are all the biggest liers in the world and Cowmuth you the topmost. The Pig of Varca is used to it. Now his daughter the Big Lips is taking 10% from every contractor who wants the contract.
Hey cowmuth stop giving vows, start acting and show that you have done it. We all know what kind of vows you are taking. You took the vow when you became the CM but you broke every word of it. Rascal!
Is the Moti Dongor Chief trying to gain political Mileage, Where was he sleeping all this time while the citizens of Goa were voicing themselves on Niz Goenkar for almost a year. Election time is nearing and all the current politicians will be seeking to rekindle their popularity. Do not trust these Slums Lovers.
Oh come on Kamat of Margao slums creator you have never kept any promises for Goans to believe in you.
Promises Promises Promises that is all vanished in thin air.In fact Goa has been ruined by these Ghanti Vote Bank Lovers, Kamat we can only believe in you building more public toilets. These political idiots have destroyed Goa for their own Gains.
The Congress and BJP governments will maek nothing for Goa. If things are to be achieved, then forget about the prese4nt set of politicians, kick them out and dump them in the ssewerage. They are not fit to deliver goods tot he common man of Goa.
You Scums of the Earth, DICK-amber Kamat and company, stop bluffing the people of Goa. The skeletons are tumbling out of the closet and People Power will eventually triumph you Eunuch politicians !!!
Is there any truth in what this puppet CM preeches?. Because, I remember sometime back he made a comment when someone brought up the topic on Special Status to Goa saying "I don't to whom to approach for Special Status in Delhi". Being a head of the state if this type of comments comes out from Cowmuth's mouth is disgusting. That means he's not fit to be in CM's chair.
This is a ploy to take Political mileage keeping in mind elections are fast approaching. Goan's, specially voters from Margao be aware of this snake in the grass!!.
What Kamat probably meant was that he will fight for special status for Moti Dongor!!!!! This man cannot control his own ministers and MLAs and even his own constituency. Crime rate in Goa is rapidly increasing and the police under motor-cycle pilot is busy with '' other lucrative business'' law and order has gone for a toss and this has been stated by ruling party MLAs and ministers themselves in the Assembly house.
In the last few years we have witnessed the beginning of sword fights culture in Margao - this is completely alien to Goa. Margao is slowly turning into Burkhastan with the head-quarters at Moti-dongor and headed by Mulla Kamat.
Each minister is running his own fiefdom with migrants, outsider real estate companies having a field day. Goa's mineral resources are looted by this Mulla's henchmen and massive environmental damage is casued in the bargain and affected Goans are literally forced to eat dust. Miss 30% is busy collecting commision on behalf of ''Mhajo Pai" at the foot of Moti-dongor.
Whatever land is left in Goa is forcefully acquired by the Govt and sold to Ghanttis at cheap rates. Mega
housing projects of GHANTTIS are thrust upon Goans and those opposing this haphazzard development are threatened by ''Mhajo Pai and daughter". Panjim is already presided over by a GUJRATI GHANTTI and Sancoale by Mauvin's jinga mami.
Can we expect this Mulla who is working overtime to help the growth of GHANTTIS to fight for special status????????
Dear Goans, the one and ONLY Matahany Saldanha - a great visionary, was warning us GOANS for the last 30 years about the dangers of this mindless industrialisation, govt employment policies that encouraged influx of GHANTTIS in droves, social impact of Konkan railway, reckless land conversion and destruction of fields to benefit ministers and GHANTTI builders etc etc etc. You name it and Matanhy was at the forefront of any agitation to protect interests of Goans, but instead of electing people like Matanhy we continued to elect matka bookies,cooks,motor-cycle pilots,swindlers and all sorts of illiterate garbage cutting across all party lines. And now we face the consequences.
It is good to see that now atleast passionate Goans are rising up and fighting to retain our identity and our land for our future generations. So atleast now let us all Goans irrespective of religion, caste, our political affiliations and all social activists support Matanhy in his fight for obtaining SPECIAL STATUS for our beloved GOA. Its our last chance.
Just an other empty promise that will never be materialized
What an insult by Kamat to intelligent Goans, He can bluff the uneducated ministers in his Cabinet.The only special status granted in Goa are the Ghanti Slums (vote banks).
Cowmuth Kamat first let us know how many promises you have kept so far. You are a Chief Minister for namesake. You can do BA**S.
Hi ANAND:::: you forgot to mention A/c Toilets.Thats the best Kamat can do for Goa..... a place where everyone can cool their arses.!!
Well said Shambuswamy.Everyone will agree with this comment.
I must agree with you that Kamat and Mauvin are now ruled by Ghantis.
A-Z:::: I will tell you which promise KAmat keeps.....weekly opening ceremonies.He is now even prepared to open toilets.
special status for monti dongor imported inhabitants, so wherever the squat,the land becomes theirs. This ghatti cowmuth has already stated he can do withoout goans. so why he wants 2b chief minister of goa? chootia, move out.
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