I fully endorse Joaquim Teles’s letter on Heraldo News paper on Health Minister Vishwajeet Rane entitled “Vishwajeet’s contribution”As a Health Minister, he has introduced a lot of new schemes for the improvement of health care in Goa, acquired sophisticated machinery and equipment, and provided and upgraded the infrastructure of the existing hospitals and health centres.
Today, families of admitted patients can stay in Yatri Niwas in the GMC complex, thanks to Vishwajeet’s efforts. There are no complaints whatsoever and a sense of discipline has been enforced.  Now there appears that the patients are cared.  Nurses who used to misbehave with patients have been put back in their places.
This is indeed an achievement on my part that no Health Minister has ever done before.  He is also struggling to get order in every hospital in Goa and for that one needs time.  It is not easy to achieve so many developments.
In the meanwhile, the Minister is requested to start a canteen above the Yatri Niwas for the sake of outdoor patients, doctors and students of the GMC.


Bebdo said...

I disagree with Shoba, probably she is paid, maybe in cash or kind, by viswajeet to write this.
Dr Willy and Shaikh Hassan too had done a lot to improve the health sector in Goa when they were Health ministers.
So pls don't sing the praise of Viswajeet, ask him how much money he made from the budget allocated to the health sector in Goa. Moreover, most Goans don't go to GMC anymore. It is filled with ghanttis -- doctors, nurses and patients.

diogofichardo said...

The last time I visited GMC was in 1970 when my father was admitted there. It had lack of funds then, but in a better condition with well trained Goan nurses. I doubt there is enough medical centres in Goa to cater for the needs of the poor Goan Population. More over I visited a friend in Bambolim when I was in Goa, only to be greeted with RED PAN SPIT along the corrirors. So Mr Vishwajeet wake up and leave in a real world and stop wagging your tail when there is a lot to be done in our Goa for the Goans.

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