OLD GOA: In a daring move robbers snatched a gold chain worth over Rs 50,000 from a 58-year-old resident of Mollar-Corlim on Monday. According to reports, the incident occurred when Sebastiao Rodrigues was on his way home after finishing his second shift early Monday morning.
Three masked persons, who were standing at the road passing from the highway at Mollar to Corlim, caught Rodrigues and snatched the gold chain from his neck.
Rodrigues said: “Three unknown persons wearing masks caught me and took me at the side of the road. One person caught my neck, while the other two caught my hands and took away the gold chain from my neck and after throwing me in the bushes, they fled away from the site,” said Rodrigues. (HD)


diogofichardo said...

Goa has turned into a lawless state due to bad Governing, The law is an ass ad the punishment is equally bad. Then again jewellery should be worn, but not in a lawless state. Let's hope our police can do their Job and catch these thieves if they can

dlp said...

"Robbers" are thriving while our "Rubber" police are bouncing up and down.

N.Fernandes (London) said...

There is plenty of news around that a lot of migrants come to Goa on a day trip purely to ,burgle,theive & steal.
After mission has been accomplished they soon head for Margao Railway Station for a getaway.
Perhaps the Police in the interest of protecting Goans,should conduct surprise & spot checks on passengers leaving Goa from Margao Railway station.
This should also be done at Border check Posts.
It should not be so difficult to apply "people Profiling".Additionally questioning a few shady looking passengers about their purpose of visit to Goa may reveal a few truths.
I am sure a lot of these theives are repeat offenders.
I am sure bonafide passengers will not mind, as it is in their interest too.Travelling on a Train is also "easy picking" for these rogues.
Are Goa Police capable?

dlp said...

No, N. Fernandes. A member of the Goa Police have released a CD now and tomorrow they will write and act in their own dramas. Ups and downs, tragedy, robberies, rapes, murders, a little bit of comedy by Sakaram, et al... The name of the drama??? "Latti ghevun foddia fatti".

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