PANJIM: Registrar of the Bombay High Court at Goa Ms I.K Jain who is already embroiled in a controversory over the alleged illegal five men police security posted at her residence is now in further trouble over the illegal conversion of her official residence garage into a toilet.
Acting on a complaint by Adv. Aires Rodrigues, the Commissioner of the City of Panaji Mr. Elvis Gomes last night issued a show cause notice as the construction of the toilet was in violation of Sec 269 of the CCP Act.
The CCP in its notice has given 7 days to show cause as to why an order should not be passed ordering removal of the illegally constructed toilet.
Yesterday a team of the CCP staff led by a Junior Engineer were deputed to inspect the illegal constructed toilet at the Registrar’s bungalow at Government colony at Patto.
As the CCP staff were restrained from entering the compound by the policemen at the bungalow, CCP’s Principal Municipal Engineer Mr. Vivek Parsekar accompanied by PWD officials inspected the site and submitted a report to the CCP Commissioner on the illegal construction of the toilet.
Adv. Rodrigues has stated that the illegal toilet was constructed at a cost of Rs one lakh to be used by the illegal police security posted at the residence of the Registrar of the Bombay High Court at Goa Ms I.K Jain.
Adv. Rodrigues has stated that the illegal police security provided at the official residence of Ms. I.K.Jain was costing the State exchequer around Rs 80,000/- a month.
Meanwhile Adv. Aires Rodrigues has today stated that he would send a detailed report to the Chief Justice of the Bombay High Court Mohit Shah on the illegal police security and the illegal toilet while demanding action against Ms. I.K.Jain.


Bebdo said...

These non-Goan bureacrats think that high and mighty and can do whatever they please to do so. That is because our montris are illiterate idiots. They have to rely on the Babus for all their correspondence and policy decisions. So these Babus think that no one can touch them. Moreover, they have an image of Goans as fun loving and feni drinking and Goan girls are of loose character. I was asked point blank by a North Indian about this, and I gave him a piece of his mind.

franco said...

Some of the Advocates fraternity has tried to put an axe on Aires head on certain matters and now Aires is trying to put the axe on everyone’s head, whoever has come his way. This is all within their group and they know where the loophole lies within themselves. This drama is only for his own personal gains and nothing else. That is why you can see him nowadays beating round the bushes all the time. Anyhow, since one Advocate has woken up, hope everyone wakes up for the good cause.

franco said...

Some of the Advocates fraternity has tried to put an axe on Aires head on certain matters and now Aires is trying to put the axe on everyone’s head, whoever has come his way. This is all within their group and they know where the loophole lies within themselves. This drama is only for his own personal gains and nothing else. That is why you can see him nowadays beating round the bushes all the time. Anyhow, since one Advocate has woken up, hope everyone wakes up for the good cause.

Dalia said...

This is a perfect example of how things happening in Goa. Atleast this garage is turned into a toilet. In an area under Margao Munciapility, CO Y. B. Tavade and Chairperson Savio Coutinho along with Engineer Suhas Phaldessai has authorised a full fledged building with illegal floor. Moreover, the garage is turned into bedroom. This is the height of corruption and in spite of pointing it out to them, they are helplessly trying to find out how it happened.

It is alleged Rs.90000 changed hands and all happened in a matter of one hour in September last year. Height of Corruption.

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