The terrorists openly roam in Goa and the Goa Police have not guts or courage to intercept them and arrest them. We have in the Goa Police Department officers like MANJUNATH DESAI who only knows to arrest some Goan fun loving kids under section 41 of the Criminal Procedure Code. Whereas this Manjunath who is a bribery prone policeman has not guts to go after the terrorists. There are capable officers to do that in the Goa Police but they are suppressed and held at their whims by the superiors in the department.
What about the Indian intelligence? Where were they sleeping whilst terrorists were freely roaming on the Indian soil? It is evident that the incidents like the one occurred in Bombay are likely to repeat again given the intelligence of the Indian spies. We only find accusations against Pakistan, that they are training and sending the terrorists to India. But has the Indian authorities done anything to stop this? Have they kept thorough check on the activities of the terrorists? It appears to be that the Indian intelligence are not even aware of who the terrorists are leave alone going after them.
Our own Goan intelligence do they know who these terrorists are? Were and are they aware about David Headley’s (Dawood Gilani) continuous visits to Goa. The terrorists now know that Goa is a very vulnerable state and can be destroyed in not time. They know that the Goan intelligence can be bought and sold easily.
Wake up GOA POLICE! It is your duty to protect the Goans and Goa. If you sleep who is going to do your work? Do not succumb to bribes and let terrorism take its root in Goa which has been considered so far as a safe Haven for all Criminals and terrorists.
Mr. Menino, you are truly a brave true son of Goa. You have the guts and courage that I have not seen in any Goan to expose the corrupts and the evil, to fight for justice selflesly. Keep it up!. We all the Goans are with you- Jane De Sa from Margao.
Menino bab! Hats off to you. You are posting the comments even against you. Wonderful and this article is really an eye opener for the security forces who have got some silly officers within. I tried to put a couple of comments in Goa News but Sandesh Prabhudesai rejected some and other he censored. That shows he is a spineless news reporter. I will send some articles to you. Please post them for me on this blog. Thank you Joe Rebello from Panjim
Intelligence. Hmm,thats a big word for our Poohlice. I am amazed with the intelligence that Headley and company accumulated before staging such a terrorist act in Mumbai. Me thinks that we need to send our Dandekar Police for training across the border.
Now the terrorists are very smart fellows. But then why dont they bomb the politicians and get their message across and score a point instead of killing innocent civilians? The secret that has our Poohlice confused is that the politicians are hand in glove with the terrorists.
Our current bunch of politicians are slowly destroying our country and our state. The terrorists know that these politicians will do the damage for them and fight their battle if they are unsuccessful in deatroying India. By Killing the politicians they know they will do a favour to India and shoot themselves in the foot.So they very intelligently refrain from attacking these ageing,ignorant,boorish,birdbrained illiterates.
Intelligence is acquiring high profile info through cunning means and avoiding devious plans from succeeding and not, I REPEAT NOT, have the vital info that a bomb has exploded in some part of India after it has exploded.
It's sad that some countries then give a statement to the press that they knew something like this was going to happen and they had notified the intelligence agency.The intelligence agency also knew this before hand but did not do anything because some political blessings were behind the whole episode.
In Goa crimes and rapes are committed and the perpetrators go into hiding,destroy evidence and then they surrender themselves. If these jokers cant find these politicians who disappear after committing a crime do you think they will be able to gather any other intelligence leave alone catch terrorists?
I suggest for every case bungled, the concerned Police Officer be taken into custody and be put behind bars till the case is solved....Kunbi
Great post Mr. Menino. Wake up Goa Police, time you got your act together efficiently.
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