There were times when the Hon’ble Courts used to take cognizance of views expressed by the public regarding the malpractices by the government. With so much of rough-shodding carried on by the panchayats and other government bodies isn’t it time the courts step in to dissolve them including all government corporations which are nothing but white elephants. When it is a known fact that there is considerable water shortage and electricity short supply and no proper sewerage and garbage infrastructure, how can the TCP and panchayats give permission to mega structures which are built nowadays only for the benefit of non-Goans, as the builders very well know that Goans in general cannot afford the price. Just the way a probe is being conducted on whether properties in Goa have been purchased by foreigners using money from drug related activities, so also a sincere probe should be conducted on whether these non-Goans are using black money to buy properties in Goa. And how is it the forest dept and TCP grant permissions for hill cutting and structures with improper setbacks. Why should illegal structures on government and communidade properties be permitted and regularized later on. Secondly all the loss making government corporations like GTDC, KTC, EDC, etc which in reality do not serve the social cause they are meant to but have been purely used by politicians as employment generation facilities should be scrapped as they are a drain on the tax payer’s money. Thirdly all those departments involved in granting permissions to casinos should be made accountable as most of the ships used don’t seem to be sea worthy and also most of the employees are outsiders, some of whom are even Nepalese. I wonder how a society can be progressive by making life miserable for the locals and the sons of the soil.
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